
Great Basin LANDFIRE

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Kori Blankenship, Fire Ecologist, and Louis Provencher, Director of Conservation Ecology with the Nature Conservancy, present 2013 updates and uses for Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools Program (LANDFIRE) data in the Great Basin. LANDFIRE developed quantitative vegetation models and comprehensive ecological descriptions for all major vegetation systems in the…

Intermountain Native Plant Summit VII – 2013 Presentations

Boise, ID Boise, United States

Presentation recordings from the Intermountain Native Plant Summit VII are being hosted on the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange YouTube channel: Functional restoration - Kas Dumroese, RMRS Exploring root-soil interactions to find new ways of controlling weeds - Andrew Kulmatiski, USU Weed-suppressing bacteria from the outlook of a CWMA - Tom Yankey, Washington Co. Weed Board…

Using weather data and adaptive management to improve the probabilities of successful revegetation

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Stuart Hardegree, Plant Physiologist, USDA-ARS, Northwest Watershed Research Center discusses weather impacts on the restoration planning cycle, and describes a weather-centric approach for adaptive management planning on rangelands with invasive annual weeds. This webinar was co-sponsored by the Great Basin Research and Management Partnership. Webinar recording

Overview of the Land Treatment Digital Library

Webinar brief. In this webinar, David Pilliod, Research Ecologist, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, presents an overview of the Land Treatment Digital Library (LTDL), which catalogs legacy land treatment information on BLM lands in the western US. The LTDL can be used by managers and scientists for: compiling information for data-calls, producing maps, generating reports, an conducting…

Livestock grazing effects on fuels loads for wildland fire in sagebrush steppe ecosystems

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Karen Launchbaugh and Eva Strand, Professors of Rangeland Ecology and Management at the University of Idaho, discuss ways that contemporary livestock grazing practices affect the extent and severity of fires in sagebrush, including cumulative effects that occur on decadal time scales to alter plant community composition and those observed as…

Tools and management applications for managing greater sage-grouse – 2013 Workshop presentations

This workshop hosted by the Nevada Section of the Society for Range Management and included presentations on the PJ mapping and treatment assessment tool, the conservation credit system, fire and mowing in sagebrush ecosystems, tools and applications from the Sage-grouse Initiative Projects, and more. Some workshop materials are available: Workshop agenda and notes Conservation planning tool…

Drill comparisons for seeding in the Great Basin

In this webinar, Jeff Ott reports on experiments carried out by the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, testing the effectiveness of different rangeland drill techniques for seeding common native species of Wyoming sagebrush communities in the northern Great Basin. Webinar recording

Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP): Summary of short-term results

Webinar brief. This webinar, presented by Jim McIver, Research Ecologist at Oregon State University, is a compilation of some of the more important short-term results of SageSTEP experiments through the third year after treatment. The results come from evaluations made at 18 study sites, measuring ecosystem response to prescribed fire, clearcutting, tree shredding, mowing, and herbicides. Webinar…

Ecological Site Description Workshop 2014 – Presentations from SRM annual meeting

Orlando, FL Orlando, United States

Workshop recordings. Workshop series presented in Orlando, Florida at the SRM Annual Technical Conference were streamed live and recorded for archived use. 2/10/14 - Workshop 1: ESD Uses and Users, provides examples of ESD uses in diverse ecosystems throughout the United States. This workshop is a showcase of the increasing development and use of ESDs…

Effects of imazapic over four years post-treatment

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Gene Schupp, Professor of Plant Population Ecology and Restoration Ecology at Utah State University, presented preliminary research findings on plant responses to imazapic and other treatments four years after treatments. Webinar recording