
Climate change, climate variability, and ecosystem response in the Great Basin

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Faith Ann Heinsch, Research Ecologist, RMRS Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, presents a synthesis of research on climate change in the western U.S., with new research results specific to the eastern Great Basin and options for managers to consider. Topics include: Current ecosystem responses to increased temperatures and drought in the western…

Cheatgrass dieoff in the Great Basin: quantifying spatial extents and potential causal mechanisms

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Stephen Boyte, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc., and Susan Meyer, USFS RMRS Shrub Sciences Lab discuss: 1) Mapping inter-annual cheatgrass production and dieoff in the Great Basin using remote sensing data and ecological models, and 2) If cheatgrass die-offs in the Great Basin provide an opportunity for long-term control? Webinar recording

Hydrologic response to fuels treatments on encroached sagebrush-steppe

Webinar brief. In this webinar, Jason Williams, Hydrologist, USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center, presents his latest research findings on hydrologic response to fuels treatments on woodland encroached sagebrush steppe. This research is part of the Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project. Webinar recording

Factors in cost effective restoration of sage-grouse habitat in northern Nevada – 2013 NV SRM Presentations

Elko, NV Elko, United States

Workshop presentations in pdf format from the Nevada Section of the Society for Range Management annual winter meeting: Sage-grouse listing decision - Steve Abele Sage-grouse habitat limitations due to cheatgrass and PJ - Shawn Espinosa State and transition models and at risk phases- Erica Freeze Disturbance Response Groups - Tamzen Stringham Rehabilitating rangelands dominated by cheatgrass - Charlie Clements PJ…