Westwide Fuel Assessment: June 2022 (S3 E3 of Reading the Tea Leaves)
Webinar recording. The cool wet spring across much of the northwestern US has created a sea of cheatgrass that has improved fuelbed continuity and fuel loading, often exceeding 200 percent of normal. As a result we expect the potential for grass driven wildfires, especially in the Snake River Plain, eastern Washington, northwestern Nevada and northeastern…
IFTDSS for prescribed fire plans
Access free online course. You can enroll yourself in this on-demand online course once you enter the Wildland Fire Learning Portal. Select "How to Use IFTDSS for Rx Burn Plans" on the righthand side.
Wildfire and climate change for teachers (grades 6-12)
Check back for upcoming virtual workshop opportunities and curriculum materials. Engage your students in hands-on activities to explore climate change and wildfire in the Southwest! This standards-aligned curriculum unit developed in coordination with the USDA Southwest Climate Hub uses experiments, games, demonstrations, and a group project to introduce students to how increased temperature and changes…
Five key areas around the home to examine for fire risk
Short video (2:39). Learn 5 key areas around your home to inspect when assessing your property's wildfire risk.
FlamMap 6.2: An introduction and overview of new capabilities
Webinar recording. Description: This webinar will provide an introduction and overview of the FlamMap modeling system and its new capabilities with focus on several new additions: Landscape Utility for the creation and extraction of LANDFIRE based landscape files Spatial version of the First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) Additional support for raster formats GeoTIFFs now…
Lightning fire occurrence prediction: Modelling for operational use
Webinar recording. Wotton, Canadian Forest Service, explains lightning fire ignition and the important processes that determine the day-to-day variation of this important source of summertime fire activity in Canada. This presentation is for both academic and operational audiences in Canada's wildfire community. Examples from models developed and used in Ontario’s fire occurrence prediction system were…
An Indigenous framework to guide research and restoration in fire-adapted landscapes
Webinar recording. Description: Worldwide, Indigenous peoples are leading the revitalization of their/our cultures through the restoration of ecosystems in which they are embedded, including in response to increasing “megafires.” Yet, despite growing recognition that just and effective conservation is only possible through partnerships with, or led by, Indigenous peoples, decolonizing approaches to restoration have received…
Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Seed Technology and Restoration Online Course
Who: This training course was developed in concert with Society for Ecological Restoration and BLM's National Training Center. It is available to restoration practitioners within the DOI and our partners. Target Audience: Natural Resource Specialists, Fire, Fuels, Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation, Botanists, Wildlife Biologists, Ecologists, Range, Minerals, Mining and Reclamation What: This self-paced on-line course…
Wildfire, smoke exposure, human health, and environmental justice need to be integrated into forest restoration and management
Webinar recording. Increasing wildfire size and severity across the western United States has created an environmental and social crisis that must be approached from a transdisciplinary perspective. This presentation will summarize a recently published article in Current Environmental Health Reports that details how and why scientists, planners, foresters and fire managers, fire safety, air quality,…
Western Governors’ Association Annual Meeting
Meeting website. The two-day event, hosted by Idaho Governor and WGA Chair Brad Little, featured the Western Governors and their specials guests in public conversations about western drought, cross-boundary land management, cybersecurity, clean energy, broadband deployment and telehealth expansion.