Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Newsletters Archive
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10/30/2024 - No invasions detected after fuel breaks, sagebrush conservation design, and two webinars today!
09/20/2024 - Selecting the right vegetation treatments, mechanical treatments help forest understory, carbon storage
08/29/2024 - Newsletter
05/28/2024 - Future prescribed fire smoke health impacts webinar tomorrow, fuel breaks discussion, indigenous burning
04/15/2024 - Veg and fire responses to linear fuel breaks, review of fuel treatments, soil nutrients released by pre-emergents
02/08/2024 - Advances in UAV sagebrush detection, EPA strengthens AQ standards, three webinars today!
11/16/2023 - Combining threat based approaches with R&R for management prioritization, and virtual fuel loading webinar today!
10/24/2023 - Native sp and herbicide-seeding rotations, safe use of veg maps, priority landscape treatments