Long-term effects of revegetation efforts in annual grass-invaded rangeland

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We evaluated the effects of controlling medusahead with prescribed burning and imazapic application followed 1 yr later with drill-seeding large perennial bunchgrasses at two seeding rates (medium and high) for more than a decade post seeding. Large perennial bunchgrass cover and density was > 16- and > 4-fold greater in revegetation treatments compared with the untreated control 11 yr after seeding, respectively. Invasive annual grass abundance was ∼twofold greater in the untreated control compared with the revegetation treatments. These results suggest that revegetation efforts in medusahead-invaded rangelands can have persistent ecological benefits (increased perennials and decreased invasive annuals). The high seeding rate resulted in more perennial bunchgrass and less invasive annual grass compared with the medium seeding rate over the duration of the study, suggesting that high seeding rates may be needed to maximize benefits. Revegetation of medusahead-invaded rangelands can have long-lasting effects, though high establishment of perennial bunchgrasses is likely necessary for success.