Research and Publications

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Modeling desert shrubland changes with an invasive grass introduction and climate change

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This brief summarizes work by researchers who modeled exactly how problematic the grass-fire cycle could be for non-fire-adapted desert shrublands under three sets of climate conditions. Specifically, three different degrees of inter-annual precipitation variability (i.e., none, medium, and extreme climate change variability; sigma = 0 to 0.8) and related invasive grass cover biomass was modeled to theoretically induce land degradation.

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Method to quantitatively determine Artemisia tridentata subspecies

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In this study, spectrophotometry was used to quantify chemical differences in the water-soluble compound, coumarin. Ultraviolet (UV) absorbance of A. tridentata subsp. vaseyana showed distinct differences among A.t. tridentata and wyomingensis. Use of spectrophotometry to acquire UV absorbance provides empirical results that can be used in seed testing laboratories using the seed chaff present with the seed to certify A. tridentata subspecies composition.

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Long-term trends in restoration and associated land treatments in the southwestern US

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Study results from this project suggest that treatments over a 70-year period on public lands in the southwestern United States are shifting toward restoration practices that are increasingly large, expensive, and related to fire and invasive species control.

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Weather-centric rangeland revegetation planning

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Skillful seasonal climate forecasts could greatly improve the cost efficiency of management treatments by limiting revegetation activities to time periods where forecasts suggest higher probabilities of successful seedling establishment. Climate-change projections are key to the application of current environmental models for development of mitigation and adaptation strategies and for management practices that require a multidecadal planning horizon. Adoption of new weather technology will require collaboration between land managers and revegetation specialists and modifications to the way we currently plan and conduct rangeland rehabilitation and restoration in the Intermountain West.

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Long-term impacts of wildfire on fuel loads, vegetation, and potential fire behavior in sagebrush

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This study showed higher levels of resilience to fire than is typically discussed in the sagebrush steppe, in part because the studied ecosystems were in good condition before the fire, but also because the longer post-fire monitoring time (17 years) may be more appropriate to capture patterns of succession in these ecosystems.

Nevada Society for Range Management Suggested Reading – Fall 2017

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Abstracts of Recent Papers on Range Management in the West. Prepared by Charlie Clements, Rangeland Scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV

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Fire Science Exchange Network – Fostering information flow

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The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) Fire Science Exchange Network is a national collaboration of 15 regional fire science exchanges that provides the most relevant, current wildland fire science information to federal, state, local, tribal, and private stakeholders within ecologically similar regions. The network brings fire managers, practitioners, and scientists together to address regional fire management needs and challenges.

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Bringing healthy sagebrush communities full circle

To highlight the effectiveness and on-going success of this multi-faceted working lands approach, they’ve introduced the “Healthy Sagebrush Communities” websitestory map, and poster.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), through its Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI), is there to empower ranchers to make well-balanced improvements on their ranching operations that are good for wildlife living in sagebrush country, as well as their business’s bottom line.

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Sage-grouse white papers – WAFWA 2017

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The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) developed many sage-grouse white papers in summer 2017. Topics include: captive breeding, hunting, predator control, and population and habitat management.

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Western Governors’ National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative – Special report June 2017

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The goals of the National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative are to:

  • Examine existing forest and rangeland management authorities and programs to determine their strengths and weaknesses;
  • Perform a detailed investigation of the role of collaboratives in landscape restoration;
  • Create a mechanism for states and land managers to share best practices, case studies and policy options for forest and rangeland management; and
  • Recommend improved forest and rangeland management authorities and encourage more effective collaboration.

This report outlines the launch year of the Initiative and includes both administrative and legislative recommendations.

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