Research and Publications

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Filling the interspace—restoring arid land mosses: source populations, organic matter, and overwintering govern success

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This study found that higher moss cover will be achieved quickly with the addition of organic matter and when moss fragments originate from sites with a climate that is similar to that of the restoration site.

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Ecosystem resilience is evident 17 years after fire in Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems

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Collectively, the data analyzed in this study demonstrate that good condition ungrazed Wyoming big sagebrush plant communities exhibited resilience following fire and maintained a native-dominated mosaic of shrubs, bunchgrasses, and forbs. Further, unburned control plots were dominated by woody vegetation and exhibited losses in herbaceous understory, possibly indicating that they are outside of their natural fire return interval.

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Wildfire, climate, and invasive grass interactions negatively impact an indicator species by reshaping sagebrush

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This study provides quantitative evidence linking long-term declines of sage-grouse to chronic effects of wildfire. Projected declines may be slowed or halted by targeting fire suppression in remaining areas of intact sagebrush with high densities of breeding sage-grouse.

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Climate Change Quarterly – Summer 2016

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Abstracts of Recent Papers on Climate Change and Land Management in the West, Prepared by Louisa Evers, Science Liaison and Climate Change Coordinator, BLM, OR-WA State Office.

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Riparian fuel treatments in the western USA: Challenges and considerations

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This report is a synthesis of current knowledge on the effects of wildfire and fuels treatments in riparian areas of the interior western United States, and includes the following: (1) a literature review of fire effects on riparian and aquatic characteristics and functions, provided as background for considering the need and potential impacts of fuel treatments; (2) a review of the potential effects of prescribed fire and mechanical treatments on riparian and aquatic resources and biota; (3) results of an online survey of resource managers, summarizing information about proposed and completed fuel reduction projects in riparian areas and wetlands in the interior west; (4) suggestions for pre- and post project-level monitoring for riparian fuels projects; and (5) a presentation of case studies, describing riparian fuel treatments with different objectives and methods.

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Quaking aspen in Utah: Integrating recent science with management

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This article reviews trends in aspen science and management, particularly in Utah and highlights recent studies continuing the tradition to keep rangeland managers informed of important developments, focusing on aspen functional types, historical cover change and climate warming, ungulate herbivory, and disturbance interactions.

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Investigating impacts of oil and gas development on greater sage-grouse

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Findings of this study supports other studies reporting negative impacts of oil and gas development on sage-grouse populations and our modeling approach allowed us to make inference to a longer time scale and larger spatial extent than in previous studies. In addition to sage-grouse, development may also negatively affect other sagebrush-obligate species, and active management of sagebrush habitats may be necessary to maintain some species.

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Hierarchical population structure in greater sage-grouse provides insight into management boundary delineation

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This study found two levels of hierarchical genetic subpopulation structure. These subpopulations occupy significantly different elevations and are surrounded by divergent vegetative communities with different dominant subspecies of sagebrush, each with its own chemical defense against herbivory. We propose five management groups reflective of genetic subpopulation structure. These genetic groups are largely synonymous with existing priority areas for conservation. On average, 85.8 % of individuals within each conservation priority area assign to a distinct subpopulation. Our results largely support existing management decisions regarding subpopulation boundaries.

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Effects of prescribed fire on wildlife and wildlife habitat in selected ecosystems of North America

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This technical manual provides regional accounts of historical and current uses of fire, and then discusses fire effects on wildlife and the challenges of using prescribed fire in each system.

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Secretarial Order 3336 – Science priorities: the role of science past, present, and future

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The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) digest gives background on Secretarial Order 3336, describes the role of JFSP research, collaborators and partnerships, and the the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange.

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Article / Book (872)
Synthesis / Tech Report (229)
Fact Sheet / Brief (203)
Field Guide (53)
Abstract (27)
Newsletter / Digest (17)
Story Map (17)
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Bibliography (4)
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Carbon (4)
Case Study (47)
Climate & Fire & Adaptation (161)
Decision Support (56)
Fire & Economics (30)
Fire Behavior (78)
Fire Communication & Education (97)
Fire Ecology & Effects (134)
Fire History (35)
Fire Policy (37)
Fire Regimes (78)
Fire Risk (33)
Firefighter Safety (37)
Fuels & Fuel Treatments (305)
Human Dimensions of Fire (55)
Invasive Species (226)
Landscape Analysis (70)
Monitoring (39)
Post-fire Environment & Management (104)
Rehabilitation (18)
Resistance & Resilience (74)
Restoration (229)
Sage-grouse (115)
Sagebrush (221)
Smoke (28)
Targeted Grazing (41)
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (16)
Weather Effects (42)
Wildland Urban Interface (73)

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