Research and Publications

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Grazing to maintain perennial grasses and reduce nonnative annuals

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This webinar discusses the benefits of altering timing of grazing to reduce annuals and maintain perennial bunchgrasses. It also discusses the detrimental impacts of repeated spring defoliation on perennials. Kirk Davies, Lead Rangeland Scientist with USDA ARS, presented.

This webinar was the third in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Capitalizing on strategic opportunities: Examples from the field

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Brian Mealor, Associate Professor and Director of the Sheridan Research and Extension Center, UW, discusses strategic opportunities where land managers can intervene to move the needle on cheatgrass. It describes the level of invasion and management strategies applicable to each. Then, Mike Pellant, Ecologist, Retired BLM, discusses post-fire opportunities, cheatgrass die-off areas, and the myths and realities of dormant season targeted grazing.

This webinar was the fourth in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Ecologically based invasive plant management: Lessons from the area-wide demonstration project

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This webinar discusses the process as well as take home messages from area-wide demonstration projects on cheatgrass reduction. Roger Sheley, USDA ARS, presented.

This webinar was the last in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Cheatgrass control methods and their impacts on perennial grasses: A systematic review spanning 64 years

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Reducing cheatgrass has been a primary research topic and goal of ecological restoration for over 50 years. Our work examined published studies between 1946 and 2012 to identify how a broad range of control methods influence cheatgrass and perennial grass abundance. Based on this assessment, we identify obstacles encountered in achieving desired restoration and clarify what research is needed to develop improved mechanistic control strategies. Jeremy Maestas, Ecologist, USDA-NRCS, and Tom Monaco, Ecologist, USDA-ARS and USU, present.

This webinar is the first in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Managing cheatgrass by putting what we know into practice: Briefs for 2018 Webinar Series

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Conversion of native rangelands to cheatgrass, and subsequent impacts on wildfire regimes, are one of the most challenging threats to sagebrush ecosystems today. The widespread and complex nature of the problem and lack of clarity on effective management actions are often barriers to implementing meaningful treatments and practices to reduce risks. Although there is no silver bullet, combining cheatgrass reduction treatments with promotion or restoration of perennial vegetation in an integrated, adaptive management framework can move the needle toward maintenance and recovery of functioning ecosystems. This webinar series will provide information on integrated management approaches using specific strategies and proven tools.

Webinar briefs linked below:

Cheatgrass control methods and their impacts on perennial grasses: A systematic review spanning 64 years (Tom Monaco, ARS)

Herbicides for cheatgrass: What works? (Richard Lee, BLM)

Grazing to maintain perennial grasses and reduce nonnative annuals (Kirk Davies, ARS)

Capitalizing on strategic opportunities: Examples from the field (Brian Mealor, UW and Mike Pellant, BLM-retired)

Ecologically based invasive plant management: Lessons from the area-wide demonstration project (Roger Sheley, ARS)

Brought to you by the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange, in partnership with the USDA/NRCS, Sage Grouse Initiative, BLM, ARS, and FS.

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Effects of season and interval of Rx burns on carbon in ponderosa pine in southern Blue Mtns

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We did not detect a difference in mean pyrogenic carbon (PyC) concentration of the mineral soil between the spring burns and the unburned controls; however, the spring burn plots did contain a number of isolated pockets with very high concentrations of PyC, suggesting a patchier burn pattern for these plots. In general, there was no detectable difference in any of the response variables when comparing the various prescribed burn treatments to one another. Reestablishing fire in these forests resulted in minor effects on the PyC concentration and pH, which may have beneficial impacts on soil carbon and available nutrients, while having few effects on other soil characteristics. This suggests that the application of low severity prescribed fires should result in little detrimental change to soils of ponderosa pine forests of the Southern Blue Mountains, while achieving management objectives such as reduction of surface fuels.

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Use of science and modeling by practitioners in landscape-scale management decisions

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We surveyed Forest Service resource managers in the western United States to address this knowledge gap. Respondents engaged most frequently with science via reading research publications; direct engagement with scientists was less common. There was widespread agreement that science was a useful input to decisionmaking. Managers believed more weight should be placed on science in decisionmaking in cases of low public consensus than in cases of high public consensus. Managers with the most frequent engagement with science generally held more positive views towards science and its role in decisionmaking.

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Exploring underlying values in landscape values mapping

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For a more accurate comparison to other mapped values, and to better inform land managers of the underlying factors determining people’s preferences, it is important to deconstruct the values that people draw upon when mapping recreation. In this study, we compare maps that included and excluded “recreation” in the values options. In the absence of recreation, other values surfaced variably by individual, providing insight to its complexity and suggesting that landscape values mapping (LVM) exercises that incorporate recreation may not be eliciting underlying, and often conflicting, values.

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Integrating subjective and objective dimensions of resilience in fire-prone landscapes

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Using wildfire as an example, we develop a framework to expose and separate two important dimensions of resilience: the inherent properties that maintain structure, function, or states of an SES and the human perceptions of desirable or valued components of an SES. In doing so, the framework distinguishes between value-free and human-derived, value-explicit dimensions of resilience. Four archetypal scenarios highlight that ecological resilience and human values do not always align and that recognizing and anticipating potential misalignment is critical for developing effective management goals. Our framework clarifies existing resilience theory, connects literature across disciplines, and facilitates use of the resilience concept in research and land-management applications.

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SageSTEP news: Issue 34 – Bird changes with conifer removal; modeling to improve rangeland seeding

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In this issue:
Bird Communities in Transition after Treatments
Using Predictive Tools to Improve Seeding Success

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