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Cheatgrass cover mapping and fire risk

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Fire risk in western North America has increased with increasing cover of cheatgrass, an invasive alien annual grass. The relationship between cheatgrass cover and fire risk was determined in a historically burned shrub-steppe community where cheatgrass cover ranged from 5 to 75%. Fire risk ranged from about 46% with an average of 12% cheatgrass cover to 100% when cheatgrass cover was greater than 45% based on prediction confidence limits. Reflectance of the green and red bands of aerial photographs, were related to senescent cheatgrass cover to create fine resolution cheatgrass cover and fire risk maps. This assessment technique will allow land managers to prioritize lands for restoration to reduce fire risk in the shrub-steppe.

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Impact of sheep grazing on herbage and saplings in wildfire prevention system

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Several wildfire prevention programs in southern Europe are currently using livestock grazing for the maintenance of fuelbreaks. This silvopastoral management is valued for being sustainable and effective in reducing fuel loads, but few studies have analyzed other impacts linked to fuelbreak grazing. This paper reports on an experiment performed within the wildfire prevention program in Andalusia (southern Spain) with the aim of clarifying and quantifying the effect of fuelbreak grazing on herbage biomass, ground cover, herbage species composition, and growth of holm oak saplings.

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Grazing for fuels management and sage-grouse habitat maintenance and recovery

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The experience Squaw Valley Ranch has had with fire, livestock grazing, and sage grouse centers on management strategy and flexibility. Squaw Valley Ranch and the BLM Elko District have a monitoring program that allows for year-to-year adaptations of the grazing plan, as well as long-term
planning for goals and assessment of goal achievement.

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Nutritive value of cheatgrass and crested wheatgrass on spring ranges of Utah

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The widespread abundance of cheatgrass on the foothill and semidesert ranges of the Intermountain Great Basin region causes concern to range managers of this area. During the past 20 years, crested wheatgrass has been used to replace cheatgrass on some of the more favorable sites. However, many soils supporting extensive areas of cheatgrass are so low in productivity it is believed that they should be managed as an annual grass type and used for the most effective purpose which appears to be spring range for livestock.

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Cheatgrass range in southern ID: Seasonal cattle gains and grazing capacities

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Yearling cattle gained weight satisfactorily on cheatgrass range under rotational (moderate) and continuous (moderate and heavy) grazing systems during a 3-year study. This study was designed to determine effects of these systems on the rangeland-not on individual plant species. Assignment of these systems to different pastures each year precluded evaluation of long-term vegetal response to the treatments. Weight gain was greatest in late spring. Grazing capacity of the range and cattle gain per acre increased through the summer, then declined. Yearly variation in production of forage and beef was apparently due to weather. Grazing capacity and beef production increased under continuous heavy grazing, but possible vegetation changes not evaluated in this study make heavy grazing undesirable.

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Grazing capacity, sheep gains: Cheatgrass, bunchgrass ranges in southern ID

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Comparisons were made of grazing capacities and sheep gains on both cheatgrass range and on native bunchgrass range during early spring. Capacities were similar on these two range types in wet years, but were almost 60% greater on bunchgrasss range during dry years. Sheep gained an average of 0.32 lb. per head per day over three spring periods on the two vegetation types. In 2 of the 4 study years, they lost weight during the first 2-week grazing period. Sheep gains per acre were similar on the two range types.

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Cheatgrass – A challenge to range research

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Determining the ecologic and economic importance of cheatgrass is a challenge to range research. This poorly understood species produces a large volume of herbage over extensive acreages and is undoubtedly the most important forage plant on southern Idaho ranges. Its probable effect upon grazing, watershed, wildlife, recreation, and timber production further adds to its importance. Many additional facts are needed before we can fully determine the importance and the desirability of this newcomer. If cheatgrass is found to be desirable a program for its proper management should be developed. Should it be found undesirable, methods of replacement must be found. The first and most important immediate problem now facing research is finding out how cheatgrass ranges might be managed to hold the soil in place and to maintain soil productivity.

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Population biology of cheatgrass in forests: Effect of disturbance, grazing, and litter on seedling establishment and reproduction

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In the more open Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga menziesii forests, cheatgrass colonization may often occur in openings in the understory alone. Colonization in the more shady A. grandis and Thuja plicata forests is unlikely, however, unless the opening extends through both the understory and the overstory. As a result, cheatgrass is unlikely to increase in any of these forests unless the scale and incidence of disturbance increases substantially.

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Cheatgrass and range science: 1930-1950

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This paper provides a historical perspective of the influence of cheatgrass invasion on western rangelands (1930-1950). This was a period of awakening interest by range scientists. Range managers, the livestock industry, and scientists have always bad a love-bate relationship with cheatgrass. It provides the bulk of the forage on many ranges, yet it is the symbol of environmental degradation. Trying to cope with the endless ramifications of cheatgrass invasion, dominance, persistence, and potential community decline keep forcing scientists to critically evaluate the ecological principles upon which range management is based.

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Targeted livestock grazing to suppress invasive annual grasses

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The range livestock industry has adapted to the presence of invasive annual grasses, especially where infestations are extensive. Light to moderate livestock grazing provides enough standing grass at the end of the grazing season to limit soil erosion and conserve soil moisture and nutrients. Elsewhere, however, where infestations of invasive annual grasses are less extensive or less advanced, opportunities exist for using targeted, or prescribed, livestock grazing to suppress annual grass plants. This chapter focuses on using prescribed livestock grazing to suppress invasive annual grasses on sites where these grasses are considered weedy invaders.

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