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Nevada rangeland monitoring handbook

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The Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook has been designed to provide a clear overview of the complex and often confusing world of rangeland monitoring. Included are a suite of short- and long-term monitoring methods.

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Roadside revegetation: An integrated approach to establishing native plants and pollinator habitat

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This guide offers an integrated approach to facilitate the successful establishment of native plants and pollinator habitat along roadsides and other areas of disturbance associated with road modifications. It guides readers through a comprehensive process of initiating, planning, implementing, maintaining and monitoring a roadside revegetation project with native plants and pollinator habitat.

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Smoke management guide for prescribed fire

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The NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire contains information on prescribed fire smoke management techniques, air quality regulations, smoke monitoring, modeling, communication, public perception of prescribed fire and smoke, climate change, practical meteorological approaches and smoke tools. The primary focus of this document is to serve as the textbook in support of NWCG’s RX410, Smoke Management Techniques course which is required for the position of Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 (RXB2) The Guide is useful to all who use prescribed fire, from private land owners to federal land managers, with practical tools, and underlying science.

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Grazing invasive annual grasses: The green and brown guide

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Grazing management can be complicated with very sophisticated grazing system designs, but in this document we discuss a simple method for managing livestock to control annual grasses while allowing perennial grasses to reoccupy the sites and generating more animal production. It’s called “Green and Brown” grazing to manage annual grasses: graze when invasive annual grasses are green and desired
species are brown. This strategy is also known as time-controlled, short-duration, high-intensity grazing.

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Interagency Fire Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Guide – PMS 515

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The Interagency Fire Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Guide standardizes the processes and procedures for interagency use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), including pilot inspections and approvals. In support of fire management goals and objectives, the aviation community references these standards to utilize UAS in a safe, effective, and efficient manner. This guide further serves as a risk assessment for fire UAS operations and meets federal requirements for aviation safety and operational planning pertaining to recurring aviation missions. Agency level policy and guidance is provided through established federal or state plans and processes.

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Community-driven climate resilience planning: a framework

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The following framework 1) advocates deepening democratic practices at the local and regional levels, 2) seeks to put forth the principles and practices defining this emergent field, and 3) outlines resources for community-based institutions implementing community-driven planning processes.

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Preparing a community wildfire protection plan: A guide

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In 2004, the Communities Committee of the Seventh American Forest Congress, Society of American Foresters, National Association of Counties, and the National Association of State Foresters sponsored and developed a handbook entitled Preparing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan. (Communities Committee of the Seventh American Forest Congress; Society of American Foresters; National Association of Counties; National Association of State Foresters, 2004) This guide is intended to supplement that handbook, with special considerations for local fire service leaders in communities identified as at-risk of wildfire. While adjacency to public lands (forests, brushlands and grasslands) can impact wildfire risk, there are ways to impact and reduce wildfire risk from within the community as well. This includes a focus on local codes and ordinances, home ignition Zones, defensible space, ignition-resistant construction and design standards, as well as hazardous fuels reduction in parks, common-owned areas, and open spaces within the local jurisdiction.

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Prescribed fire complexity rating system guide

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This guide establishes interagency prescribed fire complexity analysis standards. The analysis provides a focused, subjective assessment by qualified prescribed fire burn bosses that is evaluated and approved by Agency Administrators, and provides insight and improves understanding of the significant risks associated with prescribed fire. The analysis:

  • Provides decision support that highlights the risk to values associated with prescribed fire implementation.
  • Identifies the technical difficulty (complexity) of managing the risk to values.
  • Informs the complexity rating determination of high, moderate, or low for a prescribed fire.
  • Identifies prescribed fire plan elements that may pose special problems or concerns.
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Interagency prescribed fire planning and implementation procedures guide

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The Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide establishes national interagency standards for the planning and implementation of prescribed fire. These standards:

  • Describe what is minimally acceptable for prescribed fire planning and implementation.
  • Provide consistent interagency guidance, common terms and definitions, and standardized procedures.
  • Make clear that firefighter and public safety is the first priority.
  • Ensure that risk management is incorporated into all prescribed fire planning and implementation.
  • Support safe, carefully planned, and cost-efficient prescribed fire operations.
  • Support use of prescribed fire to reduce wildfire risk to communities, municipal watersheds and other values, and to benefit, protect, maintain, sustain, and enhance natural and cultural resources.
  • Support use of prescribed fire to restore natural ecological processes and functions, and to achieve land-management objectives.
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Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide

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** Updated 2017 ** The Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide (FBFRG) was developed as a hands-on user tool for field going Fire Behavior Analysts (FBANs), Long Term Fire Analysts (LTANs), and other fire behavior operational personnel. The FBFRG was created by the S-590 steering committee. The guide was developed by course coordinators, coaches, and field going personnel as a reference tool and look up guide for use in training and in the field by fire behavior analysts and fire managers alike.

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