Field Tour / Workshop

Natural Areas Association Logo

Rising from ashes: A tribe’s nature-based approach to watershed restoration

Workshop webpage.

Rising from Ashes: A Tribe’s Nature-based Approach to Watershed Restoration will highlight an innovative and iconic case study in public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands following a series of catastrophic wildfires. Given the increasing frequency of these fires, there is a vital need to mitigate destruction through preemptive nature-based restoration practices before disaster strikes. By collaborating with federal agencies and other partners to incorporate indigenous knowledge and values into the recovery planning process, the Santa Clara Pueblo is working to achieve long-term, sustainable resiliency of the watershed.

The purpose of this Stewardship in Action Field Workshop is not simply to share what was learned by the Santa Clara Pueblo and their many partners, but also to engage land and water management practitioners from tribal nations, federal and state agencies, and nonprofit organizations from around the continent to share information and leverage success for the benefit of local communities.

The agenda features three days of content featuring both indoor presentations and field experiences. Sessions will explore public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands, process-based restoration and watershed resilience, forestry and fire management, sediment stabilization, native plant restoration, indigenous knowledge, nature-based solutions, and preparing for future climate impacts by working together.

Field tour/workshop icon

Nevada SRM Summer Meeting

Meeting webpage.

Brad Schultz and colleagues will guide us on a tour to several locations where they have located and re-taken photos that were originally taken decades earlier. Topics for discussion will include, but not be limited to, aspen dynamics (is it disappearing or expanding?), expansion/increase of mountain browse species, and responses of higher elevation/higher ppt. sagebrush plant  communities to fire! Please bring your own lunch and be prepared to eat on the go (in vehicles). Also be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, bug stuff, and whatever else you need to spend the day out on rangelands. We will plan to make two outhouse stops at a campground during the tour.

Grassland landscape

Pacific NW Society for Range Management – 2023 Annual Meeting and Tour

Event website.

The SRM fall meeting will feature a multitude of topics pertinent to natural resource management in the Oregon High Desert: 1) geology 2) ice age impacts on local landscapes, 3) range sheep and cattle management, 4) wildlife management on basin wetlands and uplands 5) BLM/public collaboration to resolve major land use and environmental conflicts, 6) Wild Horse management dilemmas and reality in this region, and 7) the historical setting: Fort Harney, local Indian Reservation history, and European settlement to facilitate both logging and cattle/sheep ranching.

Field tour/workshop icon

Utah low-tech wet meadow restoration: Virtual workshop

Workshop recordings

Wet or mesic meadows are rare but disproportionately important ecosystems in Utah. Gully erosion and channel incision are widespread problems reducing natural resiliency and water storage capacity, which is impacting wildlife and working lands. Simple, low-tech restoration methods developed for dry lands of the desert southwest by Bill Zeedyk provide effective tools for protecting and restoring meadow systems. These techniques are cost-effective and hand-built allowing more people to participate in restoration.

In this one-day virtual workshop, Utah land managers and partners will be introduced to: reading the landscape to recognize meadow conservation opportunities, various low-tech “Zeedyk” structures (e.g., One Rock Dams, Zuni Bowls), project planning, implementation, and monitoring. Regional instructors will share tips and lessons learned from implementing low-tech meadow restoration projects across the West, while Utah conservation partners will discuss local opportunities and considerations.

Workshop logo

6th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop

Workshop website.

This Workshop is considered “mission critical” for anyone working on these issues in local, state, Tribal and federal agencies, and organizations as well as non-governmental organizations and private companies. There is no other forum in the nation that provides these opportunities.

Natural Hazards Center Logo

Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop

Workshop website.

About the Workshop: Since 1975, the Natural Hazards Center has hosted the Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop in Colorado. Today the Workshop brings together federal, state, and local mitigation and emergency management officials and planning professionals; representatives of nonprofit, private sector, and humanitarian organizations; hazards and disaster researchers; and others dedicated to alleviating the impacts of disasters. You can read more about the Workshop and its history on the Center’s website.

Workshop Information: Information about this year’s theme and opportunities to contribute can be found under the Workshop Info tab above. You can also browse our past Workshops to see previous programs, speakers, and other materials.

Please make sure and subscribe to Workshop updates so you can receive notifications regarding due dates and important announcements.

SW Ecological Restoration Institutes Logo

Cross-Boundary Landscape Restoration Workshop

Visit workshop website.

All-lands forest and fire management in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and surrounding states

  • Share successes and lessons learned on cross-boundary, collaborative efforts to restore and reimagine fire-adapted forest landscapes
  • Co-develop knowledge, recommendations, strategies, and resources for collaborative landscape-scale restoration projects
  • Explore gaps and strategies to empower diverse perspectives, and enhance inclusivity and equitability of forestry and fire research and management
  • Our 2020 Workshop attendance sold out and exceeded the venue capacity. We have increased capacity at the 2023 venue to accommodate 300 participants and are hopeful for another full house. Register early to ensure your attendance!

Who should attend? Government, tribal, and non-government foresters, fire managers, planners, biologists, line officers, regional and national program managers, forest researchers, conservation organizations, funding partners, forest operations companies, and other stakeholders interested in applying science and tools for all-lands collaborative forest landscape restoration.

Training icon

Wildfire and climate change for teachers (grades 6-12)

Check back for upcoming virtual workshop opportunities and curriculum materials.

Engage your students in hands-on activities to explore climate change and wildfire in the Southwest! This standards-aligned curriculum unit developed in coordination with the USDA Southwest Climate Hub uses experiments, games, demonstrations, and a group project to introduce students to how increased temperature and changes in precipitation affect wildfire risk in ecosystems. In this workshop, you will hear from an expert in the field, participate in a Q&A session, and then get training to implement these lessons in your classroom. Participating teachers will receive a $50 stipend and the opportunity to win raffle prizes.

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Native Seed in Restoration Virtual Workshop- Recordings Available

Workshop recordings.

Description: The workshop aims to bring together experts working in seed-based restoration around the world to discuss key elements of the native seed supply chain. This event is organized in conjunction with INSR, BLM, SER, TNC, and with assistance from the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange.

This workshop has been approved for continuing education credits through the Society for Ecological Restoration.

Workshop agenda


33rd Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop

Workshop webpage and registration.

The Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop is a biennial meeting held in even numbered years sanctioned by WAFWA. The workshop provides a forum where leading sage and sharp-tailed grouse managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of grouse management throughout North America. The 33rd Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop will be hosted by Utah on August 15-18th, 2022 in Logan, Utah on the Utah State University Inn and Conference Center.

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