Fire Ecology & Effects

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Post-fire wind and water erosion in the Great Basin: Results and management implications

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Matt Germino, Idaho State University, and Jason Williams, USDA ARS, discuss post-fire wind and water erosion issues and associated management implications. Questions and discussion follow.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Effects of fire and mechanical treatments on plants and wildlife in western juniper and PJ woodlands

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Rick Miller, Oregon State University, shares his research on how fire and mechanical treatments effect plant and wildlife communities in western juniper and pinyon-juniper woodlands. The last 20 minutes was reserved for a discussion about management implications. Definitions of terms used in this webinar.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Discussion of objective-setting for resumption of grazing following wildfire and rehabilitation activities

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, David Pyke, Plant Ecologist, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, discusses setting objectives for resumption of grazing post-fire/rehabilitation activities.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Patterns of understory growth during the first three years following a prescribed burn

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Dr. Gene Schupp, Plant Ecologist, Utah State University, presents patterns of native and exotic understory growth during the first three years following prescribed fire, mechanical, Tebuthiuron, and Imazipic treatments.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Are we getting what we expect? Short-term response by bird communities to pinyon-juniper reductions

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Steve Knick, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, shares his research on changes within bird communities living in ecotone regions where land management treatments have been conducted to reduce woodland expansion into sagebrush habitats.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Fire effects on vegetation and soils in the Great Basin: Response and site characteristics

In this webinar, Richard Miller, Fire Ecologist, Oregon State University, presents a synthesis of information on fire effects on vegetation and soils in the Great Basin including responses and site characteristics. See also the fire effects synthesis.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Hydrologic response to fuels treatments on encroached sagebrush-steppe

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Jason Williams, Hydrologist, USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center, presents his latest research findings on hydrologic response to fuels treatments on woodland encroached sagebrush steppe. This research is part of the Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP): Summary of short-term results

Webinar brief.

This webinar, presented by Jim McIver, Research Ecologist at Oregon State University, is a compilation of some of the more important short-term results of SageSTEP experiments through the third year after treatment. The results come from evaluations made at 18 study sites, measuring ecosystem response to prescribed fire, clearcutting, tree shredding, mowing, and herbicides.

Webinar recording

Instructor points at the screen in front of an audience

Connectivity and climate change – 2010 Workshop presentations

A multidisciplinary team of agency and university researchers presented assessments of current connectivity of riparian vegetation and wildlife habitat including sage-grouse and projections of connectivity for multiple species of animals and plants under different scenarios of environmental change.
Workshop presentations in pdf format:
Great Basin Fire Science Delivery Project– Eugénie MontBlanc
Great Basin Research and Management Partnership – Jeanne Chambers
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative – Mike Pellant
Great Basin Environmental Program website – Bob Alverts
Connectivity for greater sage-grouse – Steve Knick
Projecting Current and Future Connectivity– Erica Fleishman
Connectivity Analysis Toolkit – Carlos Carroll
Data Basin – Tosha Comendant

This workshop was a collaborative effort of the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange and the Great Basin Connectivity Working Group.

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Characterization of montane ecosystems, their microclimates, and wildlife distribution

Webinar recording

Erik Beever, USGS, presented this webinar to the Great Basin LCC on his results on pika distribution and climate change using historical surveys, more-systematic and more-comprehensive recent surveys, and a diversity of technological and modeling advances. The information will help tackle numerous questions at the interface of how Great Basin systems work and how Basin resources may be managed and conserved, amidst contemporary climate change and other influences.

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