Post-fire Environment & Management

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A nontarget, disturbance-resilient native species influences post-fire recovery

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Native species that are abundant and persistent across disturbance-succession cycles can affect recovery and restoration of plant communities, especially in drylands. In the sagebrush-steppe deserts of North America, restoring deep-rooted perennial bunchgrasses (DRPBGs) is key to the strategy for breaking an increasingly problematic cycle of wildfire promoted by exotic annual grasses (EAGs) and displacement of perennials by post-fire increases in EAGs. We asked how Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda)—a common native grass that shares traits with EAGs such as resilience to disturbance and rapid, shallow-rooted, early season growth—(1) recovered after wildfire, (2) responded to different combinations of native-plant seedings of DRPBGs and EAG-targeting herbicides; and (3) in turn, related to DRPBG recovery.

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Predicting burn severity for integration with post-fire debris-flow hazard assessment: Case study from Upper Colorado Rv Basin

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Fuels, pre-fire weather, and topography were important predictors of burn severity, although predictor importance varied between fires. Post-fire debris-flow hazard rankings from predicted burn severity (pre-fire) were similar to hazard assessments based on observed burn severity (post-fire).

Natural Areas Association Logo

Rising from ashes: A tribe’s nature-based approach to watershed restoration

Workshop webpage.

Rising from Ashes: A Tribe’s Nature-based Approach to Watershed Restoration will highlight an innovative and iconic case study in public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands following a series of catastrophic wildfires. Given the increasing frequency of these fires, there is a vital need to mitigate destruction through preemptive nature-based restoration practices before disaster strikes. By collaborating with federal agencies and other partners to incorporate indigenous knowledge and values into the recovery planning process, the Santa Clara Pueblo is working to achieve long-term, sustainable resiliency of the watershed.

The purpose of this Stewardship in Action Field Workshop is not simply to share what was learned by the Santa Clara Pueblo and their many partners, but also to engage land and water management practitioners from tribal nations, federal and state agencies, and nonprofit organizations from around the continent to share information and leverage success for the benefit of local communities.

The agenda features three days of content featuring both indoor presentations and field experiences. Sessions will explore public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands, process-based restoration and watershed resilience, forestry and fire management, sediment stabilization, native plant restoration, indigenous knowledge, nature-based solutions, and preparing for future climate impacts by working together.

After The Flames Logo

Fire, flood, and mud: Assessing postfire debris-flow hazards across the western US

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Parts of the western U.S., like southern California and Colorado, have a history of damaging debris flows after wildfire. Other regions are facing new postfire risks due to expanded wildfire activity. After a wildfire, emergency managers need rapid answers to the questions: Where in the burn area are debris flows likely? How much rain will it take to cause a problem? And how big will that problem be?

Using examples of recent postfire events, Jason Kean will describe how the U.S. Geological Survey and its partners work to answer those questions. He will also discuss current research to improve debris-flow hazard assessments with new tools to answer the questions: Where will debris flows will travel? How long it will take the burn area to recover? And what are the risks to future fires?

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Wildfire ready watersheds

Webinar recording.

The Wildfire Ready Watersheds Program provides guidance to help predict where and what post-fire impacts will be felt in local communities. The program provides a detailed work plan that community groups can use to refine and add detail to the study in ways that reflect local priorities and values. Importantly, the Wildfire Ready Watersheds Program also provides guidance on actions that may be taken to reduce the impact of these post-fire hazards on infrastructure and natural resources – both before, and after, a wildfire occurs. The Wildfire Ready Watershed Program hopes to support pre-and post-wildfire planning and response efforts in your community.

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SCIENCEx Webinar Series: Planning for forests and rangelands of the future

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Monday, May 15, SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Forest Resources and Disturbance
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    Forest Resources, Current and Future, presented by John Coulston
•    Recent and future trends in disturbances to forests and rangelands across the conterminous U.S., presented by Jennifer Costanza

Tuesday, May 16, SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Forest Products and Water Resources
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    Forest Products Markets, presented by Jeff Prestemon
•    Current and future projections of water use and supply in the United States, presented by Travis Warziniack

Wednesday, May 17 SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Rangeland Resources and Biodiversity
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    The 2020 Rangeland Assessment, presented by Matt Reeves
•    Patterns and threats to biological diversity across the United States: Focusing on land use and climate change, presented by Becky Flitcroft

Thursday, May 18 SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Land Resources and Outdoor Recreation
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    The past and future of land resources: foundations for the 2020 RPA Assessment, presented by Kurt Riitters
•    Outdoor recreation participation in in the U.S. in 2040 and 2070, presented by Eric White

Friday, May 19 SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: National Report on Sustainable Forests
•    USDA Forest Service National Reporting on Forest Sustainability: Observations and Program Overview, presented by Guy Robertson
•    Key Findings from the 2020 National Report on Sustainable Forests, presented by Lara Murray
•    The Montréal Process: a voluntary international agreement to measure, monitor and make progress on forest conservation and sustainable management, presented by Kathleen McGinley

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Public experiences and perceptions with wildfire and flooding, A case study of the 2019 Museum fire

Webinar recording.

Description: The greater Flagstaff area in northern Arizona has experienced multiple wildfires in recent years that have resulted in post-wildfire flooding. These events galvanized collaborative efforts to reduce hazardous fuels on steep slopes and implement flood mitigation improvements around the city and in the municipal watershed. In this presentation, the 2019 Museum Fire provides a case study for better understanding how the cascading disturbances of wildfire and post-wildfire flooding, which can be further compounded by adjacent disturbances like monsoon-related flooding, impact the public and how residents are informed of, perceive, and respond to these risks. This webinar examines findings from two household surveys: one conducted in 2019 immediately following the Museum Fire, and a follow-up survey conducted in 2022 following flooding associated with the burn scar and monsoonal events. The research presented provides insights into public experiences with and perceptions of wildfires, post-wildfire flooding, and forest management more broadly over time, and offers suggestions for improving the exchange of information between and among agencies and the public to facilitate mutual understanding and enhance adaptive capacity for future wildfires and flood events.

Presenters: Melanie Colavito, PhD, Director of Policy and Communications, ERI at NAU; Niki vonHedemann, PhD, Senior Research Coordinator and Human Dimensions Specialist, ERI at NAU; and Catrin Edgeley, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Forestry at NAU

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Reduced fire severity offers near-term buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western US

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Postfire regeneration is sensitive to high-severity fire, which limits seed availability, and postfire climate, which influences seedling establishment. In the near-term, projected differences in recruitment probability between low- and high-severity fire scenarios were larger than projected climate change impacts for most species, suggesting that reductions in fire severity, and resultant impacts on seed availability, could partially offset expected climate-driven declines in postfire regeneration. Across 40 to 42% of the study area, we project postfire conifer regeneration to be likely following low-severity but not high-severity fire under future climate scenarios (2031 to
2050). However, increasingly warm, dry climate conditions are projected to eventually outweigh the influence of fire severity and seed availability. The percent of the study area considered unlikely to experience conifer regeneration, regardless of fire severity, increased from 5% in 1981 to 2000 to 26 to 31% by mid-century, highlighting a limited time window over which management actions that reduce fire severity may effectively support
postfire conifer regeneration.

Natural Hazards Center Logo

Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop

Workshop website.

About the Workshop: Since 1975, the Natural Hazards Center has hosted the Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop in Colorado. Today the Workshop brings together federal, state, and local mitigation and emergency management officials and planning professionals; representatives of nonprofit, private sector, and humanitarian organizations; hazards and disaster researchers; and others dedicated to alleviating the impacts of disasters. You can read more about the Workshop and its history on the Center’s website.

Workshop Information: Information about this year’s theme and opportunities to contribute can be found under the Workshop Info tab above. You can also browse our past Workshops to see previous programs, speakers, and other materials.

Please make sure and subscribe to Workshop updates so you can receive notifications regarding due dates and important announcements.

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Does post-fire recovery of native grasses across abiotic-stress and invasive-grass gradients match theoretical predictions, in sagebrush steppe?

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We evaluated how abiotic stress and biotic interactions determine native bunchgrass abundances across environmental gradients using additive models of cover data from over 500 plots re-measured annually for 5 years as they recovered naturally (untreated) after a megafire (>100,000 ha) in sagebrush steppe threated by the invasive-grass and fire cycle. The species included native bunchgrasses, bluebunch wheatgrass and Sandberg bluegrass, and the exotic and invasive annual cheatgrass. We asked whether associations between native bunchgrasses and cheatgrass were context dependent and if the SGH could help predict interspecific associations between species in a semiarid environment. The association of cover of each native bunchgrass to cheatgrass was not uniform, and instead varied from neutral to negative across environmental gradients in both space and time (i.e., weather), to which the species had nonlinear and sometimes threshold-like responses. Consistent with the SGH, bunchgrasses were generally more negatively related to cheatgrass (i.e., putative competition) in conditions which increased the cover of each bunchgrass – which were higher elevations and temperatures and lower solar heatload, and, for Sandberg bluegrass, drier conditions. There were few indications of positive interactions (i.e., putative facilitation) in stressful conditions, and instead associations were again negative, albeit weaker, in some of the conditions evaluated. Synthesis. These findings demonstrate that the negative association among native bunchgrasses and cheatgrass is context dependent and is determined by the abundances of both interacting species which is driven by environmental stress. This led to a hypothesis that together Sandberg bluegrass and bluebunch wheatgrass provide complementary resistance to cheatgrass at the landscape level, despite their different ecology and contrary to the management preference for bluebunch wheatgrass. Sandberg bluegrass might be critical for providing resistance against cheatgrass where invasion potential is greatest, i.e., at lower elevations, where bluebunch wheatgrass is scarce.

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