
Synthesis/Technical Report icon

A review of PJ woodlands and new literature

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View fact sheet on pinyon-juniper ecohydrology
View fact sheet on pinyon-juniper management and restoration

This synthesis reviews current knowledge of pinyon and juniper ecosystems, in both persistent and newly expanded woodlands, for managers, researchers, and the interested public. We draw from a large volume of research papers to centralize information on these semiarid woodlands. The first section includes a general description of both the Great Basin and northern Colorado Plateau. The ecology section covers woodland and species life histories, biology, and ecology and includes a detailed discussion of climate and the potential consequences of climate change specific to the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau. The history section discusses 20,000 years of woodland dynamics and geographic differences among woodland disturbance regimes and resilience. The ecohydrology section discusses hydrologic processes in woodlands that influence soil conservation and loss; water capture, storage, and release; and the effect that woodland structure and composition have on these processes. The final section, restoration and management, covers the history of woodland management, the different methods used, the advantages and disadvantages of different vegetation treatments, and posttreatment vegetation responses. We also discuss successes and failures and key components that determine project outcomes important for consideration when restoring ecosystem function, integrity, and resilience.

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Biocrust lichen and moss species most suitable for restoration

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Some bryophyte and lichen species are early pioneers and are potentially well-suited for restoration projects. Species traits such as high reproductive rates, rapid establishment rates, and large asexual reproductive propagules can be beneficial for restoration. For instance, the large number of spores produced by some mosses are beneficial for reproductive success in arid environments. In addition to identifying the benefit of reproductive strategies, it is important to take habitat needs into consideration; lichen and moss species that are wide-ranging both geographically and ecologically are recommended over geographically and edaphically restricted species that occur only in specific habitats, such as calcareous soils. Biocrusts used in specific restoration areas should have similar genetic source material (local provenance), and harsh environmental conditions should be ameliorated.

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SageSTEP news: Issue 35 – Sagebrush and PJ fuels guide & soil crusts

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In this issue:

  • Fuels Guide for Sagebrush and Pinyon-Juniper Reduction Treatments: 10 years post-treatment
  • Biological soil crusts as restoration targets in sagebrush steppe and woodland communities
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Road map for science-based, collaborative restoration of aspen

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With concern over the health of aspen in the Intermountain West, public and private land managers need better guidance for evaluating aspen condition and selecting and implementing actions that will be effective in restoring aspen health. The Utah Forest Restoration Group collaboratively synthesized a step-by-step approach for aspen restoration that was applicable to western U.S. forests. In a successful case study in shared stewardship, these restoration guidelines were applied to a challenging real-world setting.

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Large‐scale forest restoration stabilizes carbon under climate change in Southwest United States

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Higher tree density, more fuels, and a warmer, drier climate have caused an increase in the frequency, size, and severity of wildfires in western U.S. forests. There is an urgent need to restore forests across the western United States. To address this need, the U.S. Forest Service began the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) to restore four national forests in Arizona. The objective of this study was to evaluate how restoration of ~400,000 ha under the 4FRI program and projected climate change would influence carbon dynamics and wildfire severity from 2010 to 2099. Specifically, we estimated forest carbon fluxes, carbon pools and wildfire severity under a moderate and fast 4FRI implementation schedule and compared those to status quo and no‐harvest scenarios using the LANDIS‐II simulation model and climate change projections.

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Large-scale forest restoration stabilizes carbon under climate change

Webinar recording.

Higher tree density, more fuels, and a warmer, drier climate have caused an increase in the frequency, size, and severity of wildfires in western U.S. forests. There is an urgent need to restore forests across the western United States. To address this need, the U.S. Forest Service began the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) to restore four national forests in Arizona. The objective of this study was to evaluate how restoration of ~400,000 ha under the 4FRI program and projected climate change would influence carbon dynamics and wildfire severity from 2010 to 2099. We found that the fast‐4FRI scenario showed early decreases in ecosystem carbon due to initial thinning/prescribed fire treatments, but total ecosystem carbon increased by 9–18% over no harvest by the end of the simulation. This increased carbon storage by 6.3–12.7 million metric tons, depending on the climate model, equating to removal of carbon emissions from 55,000 to 110,000 passenger vehicles per year until the end of the century. Nearly half of the additional carbon was stored in more stable soil pools. However, climate models with the largest predicted temperature increases showed declines by late century in ecosystem carbon despite restoration. Our study uses data from a real‐world, large‐scale restoration project and indicates that restoration is likely to stabilize carbon and the benefits are greater when the pace of restoration is faster.
Presenter: Dr McCauley

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Longer-term evaluation of sagebrush restoration after juniper control and herbaceous vegetation trade-offs

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This study compared seeding and not seeding mountain big sagebrush after juniper control (partial cutting followed with burning) in fully developed juniper woodlands (i.e., sagebrush had been largely excluded) at five sites, 7 and 8 yr after seeding. Sagebrush cover averaged ~ 30% in sagebrush seeded plots compared with ~ 1% in unseeded plots 8 yr after seeding, thus suggesting that sagebrush recovery may be slow without seeding after juniper control. Total herbaceous vegetation, perennial grass, and annual forb cover was less where sagebrush was seeded. Thus, there is a trade-off with herbaceous vegetation with seeding sagebrush. Our results suggest that seeding sagebrush after juniper control can accelerate the recovery of sagebrush habitat characteristics, which is important for sagebrush-associated wildlife. We suggest land manager and restoration practitioners consider seeding sagebrush and possibly other shrubs after controlling encroaching trees where residual shrubs are lacking after control.

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Survivability of Wyoming big sagebrush transplants

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This study was initiated in 2012 to test fall versus spring transplanting. Fall transplanting success averaged 65% with a range of 41% to 82%, while spring transplant success averaged 41% with a range of 13% to 65%. The cold desert of the Great Basin receives the majority of its precipitation during winter months, therefore providing a more reliable source of available precipitation for newly transplanted Wyoming big sagebrush seedlings. A significant part of increasing big sagebrush transplanting success is the combination of increased container size and moving the timing of transplanting from spring to fall due to an increase in favorable and reliable precipitation.

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Repeated fires reduce plant diversity in low-elevation Wyoming big sagebrush (1984–2014)

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This study found that one fire fundamentally changed community composition and reduced species richness, and each subsequent fire reduced richness further. Alpha diversity decreased after one fire. Beta diversity declined after the third fire. Cover of exotics was 10% higher in all burned plots, and native cover was 20% lower than in unburned plots, regardless of frequency. Fire frequency and antecedent precipitation were the strongest predictors of beta diversity, while time since fire and vapor pressure deficit for the year of the fire were the strongest predictors of community composition. Given that a single fire has such a marked effect on species composition, and repeated fires reduce richness and beta diversity, we suggest that in lower elevation big sagebrush systems fire should be minimized as much as possible, perhaps even prescribed fire. Restoration efforts should be focused on timing with wet years on cooler, wetter sites.

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Webinar for applicants interested in submitting CFLRP proposals

Webinar recording from Aug. 1, 2019.

For those interested in submitting a proposal for Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program funding, there are Upcoming Webinars for Interested Applicants.

The proposal process for new CFLRP projects and extensions for existing ten-year projects will involve two tiers of review. This process applies to new projects as well as projects that have received funding for 10 years and are applying for a one-time extension for the shortest time practicable to complete implementation.

Tier 1 (Pre-Proposal): Applicants provide a brief and high-level description of the proposed CFLRP project or project extension. The Regional Office will evaluate Tier 1 proposals using a common set of criteria and the Regional Forester will decide which projects should proceed with full Tier 2 proposal development.
Tier 2 (Full Proposal): Project extension and new project proposals selected in Tier 1 will proceed with detailed proposal development. These proposals will be reviewed for completeness by the Regional Office, and if they meet all of the CFLRP eligibility criteria, they will be submitted to the CFLRP Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Committee for evaluation.

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