
14th North American Forest Ecology Workshop

Workshop website. The 14th North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW) will take place June 24 - 27, 2024 in Asheville, NC The format of the meeting will be different from past years, as we will kick off the meeting with all day field trips on Monday followed by a plenary talk in the evening. Sessions…

Crisis communication: What do we say when things go wrong?

Webinar registration. From large-scale wildfires to smaller incidents connected to complex social issues; crises take many forms and present unique communications challenges. Panelists will discuss how conservation organizations and fire practitioners can prepare for hard times and provide suggestions for how to proceed if and when they happen. Following a moderated panel discussion, there will…

Asteraceae Identification Short Course

Instructor: Arnold (Jerry) Tiehm, Great Basin Flora Specialist, Description: This three-day short course covers the unique taxonomy associated with the sunflower Family, Asteraceae. Basic terminology, dissection skills, and use…

Level II Invasive Annual Grasses Field Workshop

Workshop webpage. In this two-day field and classroom workshop in Sheridan, WY, participants will build upon the information presented in the Level 1 Virtual Workshop: Defending and Growing the Core…

Biennial Sage and Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop

Workshop website.  The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) will continue its 70-year tradition of holding a biennial workshop August 5 through August 8, 2024 in Wenatchee, Washington.…

Colorado Wildland Fire Conference

Conference webpage. The 2024 Meeting the Moment Conference will be October 1-4, 2024 at Viewline Resort Snowmass, 100 Elbert Ln, Snowmass Village, CO 81615.

Natural Areas Conference 2024

Conference website. 2024 Natural Areas Conference (NAC24) October 7-10, 2024 Manhattan, Kansas For the past 50 years, NAA’s Natural Areas Conference has gathered federal, state, tribal, regional, and local natural…

4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference

Conference website. The Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Arizona Wildfire Initiative, and the Association for Fire Ecology are hosting the 4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico from…