
Fire history and ecology

Webinar recordings of the Forest Service's Research and Development SCIENCEx FIRE week. Fire History and Ecology Introduction to SCIENCEx Fire Week​ | Jens Stevens ​Indigenous Fire Stewardship and Cultural Burning​…

Fire weather and smoke

Webinar recording. The second webinar of the Forest Service's Research and Development SCIENCEx FIRE week. Fire Weather and Smoke Fire Weather Forecasting |​ Brian Potter New Technology for Monitoring Smoke…

Fire behavior

Webinar recording. The third webinar of the Forest Service's Research and Development SCIENCEx FIRE week. Fire Behavior Wildland Fire Behavior and Ignition | Sara McAllister 3D Time-Dependent Fire Behavior Models:​…

Seed Innovations for Great Basin Landscapes – Webinar Recordings

3/2 – Seed Zones and Adaptive Traits (11 PST/12 MST) - Recording Setting the landscape for native seed technologies: Balancing the need for wild, adapted native seeds with modifications needed for agricultural production and large-scale seeding – Beth Leger, University of Nevada, Reno Guiding restoration with seed transfer zones: Concepts and applications – Rob Massatti,…

Modeling risks and tradeoffs

Webinar recording. The fourth webinar of the Forest Service's Research and Development SCIENCEx FIRE week. Modeling Risks and Tradeoffs Wildland Fire Behavior and Ignition |​ Greg Dillon Juggling Risks and Tradeoffs Toward a More Resilient Future: The Known, Unknown, Unknowable, and Unpleasant |​ Pat Manley & Nick Povak Southern Forest Outlook: Fire in a Changing…

Looking toward the future

Webinar recording. The fifth webinar of the Forest Service's Research and Development SCIENCEx FIRE week. Looking Towards the Future Historical and Future Fire in Temperate Rainforest ​of the Pacific Northwest |​ Matt Reilly Assessing Wildfire Risk for Strategic Forest Management Decision-Making in the Southern US |​ Sandhya Nepal Wrap-Up |​ Jens Stevens

Community-focused programs, datasets, and planning resources for wildfire risk mitigation

Webinar recording. Much of the current dialogue around mitigating wildfire risk to people and property in the United States focuses on vegetation treatments to reduce fuel loads on public lands. There is good reason for that – responsible management of lands within their jurisdiction is embedded within the mission of the Forest Service and other…

Short-interval high-severity reburns change the playing field for forest recovery

Webinar registration. Reburns, sequential overlapping fires occurring in an unusually short timeframe, are expected to become more common and widespread with increases in fire-conducive weather. The context for reburns varies by ecosystem; in subalpine forests of the Northern Rockies, high-severity fires separated by less than 30 years are considered reburns. Join researchers Kristin Braziunas (Technical…