Life from the ashes: Exploring the impact of Rx and natural fire on insects and other invertebrates
Visit conference webpage. Life from the Ashes explored the positive and negative impacts of prescribed and natural fire related to insects and other invertebrates in landscapes across North America. The symposium provided research and practical insights to inform natural areas professionals as they manage landscapes with fire. This program was provided in a collaboration between…
Setting habitat priorities in a warming world: Lessons from WY
Webinar recording. In 2020, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) on a North Central CASC supported project designed to help the agency incorporate climate change into their Statewide Habitat Plan (SHP) that was slated for an update that year. WGFD and WCS worked together to develop and…
USFS Science X Climate Change Webinar Series
Webinar recordings. Monday, October 25: Assessing our Future Forests Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment: informing forest and grassland management, planning, and regional assessment, presented by Jennifer Costanza Vulnerability assessment tools for setting priorities and identifying management targets, presented by Megan Friggens Identifying climate change vulnerabilities and adaptation options for western U.S. national forests, presented by…
Results of north Idaho survey on forests and climate change
Webinar recording. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Idaho recently partnered with GS Strategy Group to conduct a public opinion survey in North Idaho to gauge public perceptions on forest health, wildfire, controlled burning, and climate change. Please join for a virtual presentation and discussion of the results. Kari Kostka, Director of External Affairs for TNC…
New Mexico Virtual WUI Summit
Visit event recordings. The NM Wildland Urban Summit is attended by community members, fire service volunteers and professionals, non-profit conservation groups engaged in fire adaptation, and federal, state and local government representatives.
Fire season- A learning opportunity
Webinar recording from Wildfire webinar sessions hosted by Oregon State University.
Wildland Urban Interface Conference 2021
Conference website for on-demand content. The International Assoc of Fire Chief's Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) conference offers hands-on training and interactive sessions designed to address the challenges of wildland fire. If you're one of the many people responsible for protecting local forests or educating landowners and your community about the importance of land management—then this is…
Tribal experiences in collaborative fire management in the Northwest
Webinar recording. Hear from tribal representatives who work in a variety of roles related to fire stewardship, research and management. These panelists share their goals around managing and stewarding fire, their perspectives on how scientists and managers can help ensure that collaborative fire projects meet the goals of tribal communities, how non-tribal scientists and managers…
Prioritizing your home hardening approach
Webinar recording. Fire Aware. Fire Prepared. Wildfire Wednesday's with Oregon State University Extension are returning this fall. Visit the Online Webinar Guide on the Fire Program website for more information.
First Nations wildfire evacuations- A guide for communities and external agencies
Webinar recording. Presenter: Henok W. Asfaw, Postdoc and Project Manager for the First Nations Wildfire Evacuation Partnership Project, University of Alberta Description: This webinar presents results of research carried out as part of the First Nation Wildfire evacuation partnership in Canada and was recently published in a book titled “First Nations Wildfire Evacuations: A Guide…