
Bi-state sage-grouse science symposium

Symposium recording. Full symposium agenda.  USGS will hold a Bi-State Sage-Grouse Science Symposium. This virtual symposium will highlight the research, science, and management tools that support sage-grouse monitoring and conservation…

Rangeland economics 101

View recorded sessions. NV Section of the Society for Rangeland Management is hosting an all-day webinar. 

Exploring innovation in a public land grazing system (7:17)

View short video. In small communities like Plush, Oregon, where “The Need for Flexibility: Exploring Innovation in a Public Land Grazing System” was filmed, agriculture is a major economic contributor.…

CA-NV Winter Status Update Webinar (Jan 2022)

Webinar recording. According to the January 18 U.S. Drought Monitor, 99.6% of CA/NV is in drought, with 9.8% in Extreme (D3) or Exceptional (D4) Drought. The area in D3/D4 is…

Envisioning Futures with Wildfire Webinar Series

Webinar join links and recordings. 11-week lecture series Lookout: Envisioning Futures with Wildfire, we'll scan the horizon for the ideas and stories that can guide us through this critical and…