
The meteorology of the 2023 Maui wildfire

View recording (53:53). Okay. Let me go back. Okay. So let's go back to not even a year ago, August eighth two thousand twenty three. You know, large wildfires hit western and central Maui, and, it killed at least a hundred people and resulted in three to six billion dollars of damage, mainly in the…

Ready, set, go! Personal wildland fire action guide

Webinar recording (50:31). Led by Hawai'i Wildfire Management Organization (, this webinar equips you with essential strategies to prepare, respond, and stay safe in the face of wildfires. From creating defensible spaces to crafting evacuation plans, we'll cover it all. Don't wait until it's too late – arm yourself with knowledge and confidence. Register now…


Webinar recordings. Exploring how the health of our forests — and planet — depends on what's beneath our feet. May 6: Why do foresters need soil scientists? May 7: How can soil science be applied to forest management? May 8: How can soil scientists and foresters build relationships? May 9: How can soil science lead…

Workshop on management and conservation of pinyon and juniper woodlands

Workshop information and registration. The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service will host a public workshop to present information and gather feedback on a range of topics regarding the science and management of pinyon and juniper woodlands, particularly mature and old-growth forests. The workshop will occur May 8, 1-5 p.m. and May 9, 9 a.m.-5…

A new foundation for LANDFIRE

Webinar recording. The LANDFIRE program is aware that our stakeholders are interested in obtaining more comprehensive 3D vegetation structure information to inform vegetation and species mapping, carbon accounting, and physics-based fire behavior models. Understanding how to provide annually updated 3D vegetation and fuel metrics in a way that is useful to the most stakeholders and…

SageSTEP Field Tour of Onaqui Sites

The SageSTEP research team invites you to join us for a tour of the Onaqui research site near Tooele, Utah on May 21, 2024.  We will tour the SageSTEP ( shrubland network, SageSTEP woodland network and NEON sites (, hear results from the past 15 years of data collection, and discuss management needs and research…

Threat-Based Strategic Rangeland Management field workshop for natural resource professionals

Workshop flyer. The first day will cover a variety of topics such as soil ecology, plant identification, invasive annual grass and juniper management, and the foundations behind applying remotely sensed data. The second day will focus on taking the foundations from day 1 and learning how to ensure that planning and management meaningfully influences landscape…

Home hazard assessments: Back to basics

View webinar recording (58:54). In this webinar from Fire Adapted Communities NM, knowledgeable fire and forestry professionals from New Mexico and Colorado introduce an important fire risk and readiness tool: Home Hazard Assessments (HHAs). Topics include guidance and digital and printed tools to complete HHAs, local partners who can guide the process or travel to complete…

Front range grassland fire workshop

Workshop registration, closes May 15. In Colorado, the Front Range can present unique fuel and weather conditions for wildfires. Combined with numerous wildland/urban interface and intermix settings, these conditions can be critical in wildfire management. Register now for the Front Range Grassland Fire Workshop to increase your knowledge and understanding of the ecology, behavior, risks,…

PNW Society for Range Management Summer Meeting and Tour

Event website. The PNW Section Summer Meeting and Tour will be May 29-31 in Chewelah, WA.  Forest grazing, cover crop grazing, silvopasture, hay production, seedstock beef production, water quality, apex predators, tribal history and issues Headquarters: Mistequa Casino Hotel (pronounced Mist-a-quah), 2545 Smith Rd, Chewelah, WA 99109