
Wildfire mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery

Webinar recording. Description: Throughout the past 5 years, Gila County has been faced with record breaking wildfire activity. Learn how Gila County Emergency Management works with their Public Safety partners…

Threatened and endangered species in shrub steppe

Webinar recording. Pygmy rabbits, greater sage grouse, songbirds, and Umtanum desert buckwheat…oh my! Learn how fire and land management can impact key threatened and endangered species and the top three…

Wildland fuels a primer for concerned citizens and grazers

Workshop recording. The California Range Management Advisory Committee, an advisory body to the California Natural Resources Agency under the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, is co-hosting a virtual workshop…

Know your smoke

Webinar recording. In this webinar, RMRS research physical scientist Shawn Urbanski and fire ecologist Duncan Lutes will discuss the current state of the science on wildland fire smoke emissions, including…

Living with PTSD: A wildland firefighter perspective

Webinar recording. Presenter: Marc Titus, Staff Specialist, Nevada Division of Forestry’s Fire Adapted Communities and MS Student in Psychology, Arizona State University. Description: PTSD is quietly impacting wildland firefighters with…

Role of risk management prioritization decision support tools

Webinar recording. Presenter: Melanie Colavito, Ecological Restoration Institute Description: The Ecological Restoration Institute recently completed a project analyzing the use and adoption of wildfire risk assessment and fuels treatment prioritization…