
Diversity: Just gender and race…Or a diversity of perspectives?

View webinar recording. Let us unpack an “uncomfortable” question: Why don’t women in fire universally encourage more women to join fire? This discussion will be based on the following premise: “fitting in with the firefighter culture is essential for safety and a positive work environment.” I will explore the firefighter culture, how women do this…

Grazing to maintain perennial grasses and reduce nonnative annuals

View recording. Read webinar brief. This webinar discusses the benefits of altering timing of grazing to reduce annuals and maintain perennial bunchgrasses. It also discusses the detrimental impacts of repeated spring defoliation on perennials. Kirk Davies, Lead Rangeland Scientist with USDA ARS, presented. This webinar was the third in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the…

Fire, smoke, and air quality

Access webinar recording. This webinar discusses various agricultural and forestry fires and their impacts on air quality, including smoke and other air emissions. Basic Smoke Management Practices (BSMPs) will be discussed as means to minimize air quality impacts from prescribed fires.

Capitalizing on strategic opportunities: Examples from the field

View recording. Read webinar brief. Brian Mealor, Associate Professor and Director of the Sheridan Research and Extension Center, UW, discusses strategic opportunities where land managers can intervene to move the needle on cheatgrass. It describes the level of invasion and management strategies applicable to each. Then, Mike Pellant, Ecologist, Retired BLM, discusses post-fire opportunities, cheatgrass…

Making it work: How Michigan National Forests modified LANDFIRE data for local use

View webinar recording. This webinar gives a brief introduction to multiple LANDFIRE datasets and then explore how two National Forests are working to tweak LANDFIRE data to better meet their needs. We will conclude by sharing resources and ideas that may help you think through modifying LANDFIRE or other similar datasets for your use.

BehavePlus – Updates and changes

View webinar recording. Webinar presented by Faith Ann Heinsch, S&K Global Solutions, RMRS Missoula Fire Lab The webinar described major changes from version 5 to version 6, showed sample Runs demonstrating these changes, provided suggestions for calculating surface fire behavior using BehavePlus v6, described how changes in BehavePlus affect NWCG courses that use this program (e.g.,…

Adapting wildfire management to 21st century conditions

Access webinar recording. This Critical Issues webinar explores recent trends in wildfires and changes in contributing factors / drivers of these hazards and features case studies of wildfire policy and management strategies in the western and southern United States.

Cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata: Symposium and field trip

View Part 1 (2:12) and Part II (2:08) recordings of this symposium. This special half-day webinar symposium provides an in-depth review of three invasive grasses (cheatgrass, medusahead, ventenata) in the Western US.