
Role of risk management prioritization decision support tools

Webinar recording. Presenter: Melanie Colavito, Ecological Restoration Institute Description: The Ecological Restoration Institute recently completed a project analyzing the use and adoption of wildfire risk assessment and fuels treatment prioritization…

Rx burn associations: Different models for different places

Webinar recording. There is broad understanding and agreement lately that there is a need to substantially increase the use of prescribed fire to create landscape resiliency, protect communities and ensure…

Invasive Annual Grass Workshop

Workshop information. Invasive annual grasses threaten millions of acres of sagebrush rangelands across the west. This two day workshop hosted by the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative and Oregon SageCon Partnership…

Monitoring rare plants with drones

Webinar recording. Description: The desert city of St. George, Utah is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. Three federally listed endangered plant species that grow directly…

Invasive species, native seeds, and grasses

Webinar recording. Disturbance events, such as overgrazing and the catastrophic fires, in our shrub steppe landscape can kick-start a negative feedback loop with invasion of noxious weeds. These invasive species…

Wildland stories: Dendochronology with Dr. Justin DeRose

Webinar recording. Dendrochronology: The trees that surround us have a story to tell, yet so many of us have no idea what that story is. What is dendrochronology? How old is the oldest recorded tree? Can trees get scars? Where are some of the oldest forests located? These are just some of the questions we…