
Smoke, smoke, and more smoke

Webinar registration. The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated…

Webinar registration. This is part of a webinar series - Human Causes and Human Consequences of Wildfires in the Western US Presenter: John Abatzoglou, University of California, Merced Description: Red…

Prescribed fire: New science and tools

Webinar registration. The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated…

Treating fuels in riparian areas

Webinar registration. The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated…

Fuel break effectiveness: What have we learned so far?

Webinar registration. The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated…