Research and Publications

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Horse rich and dirt poor

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Ecologist Charles Post travels across Nevada to explore how overpopulated wild horses effect native wildlife. A Wildlife Society film by Charles Post, Phillip Baribeau, and Ben Masters.

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Bristlecone pine and climate- Feature on NPR’s Science Friday

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Bristlecone pine has weathered many climate changes. They’ve been getting punched in the face their entire species history and even, in some ways, thrive in the face of adversity. But whether they can make those adjustments in their range fast enough to keep up with climate change, that’s the question.

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Conifer removal benefits sage-grouse, other birds, and rangeland productivity

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Large-scale encroached conifer removal is an increasingly widespread practice that benefits rangeland productivity and restores habitat quality for sagegrouse and other sagebrush-dependent wildlife. Recent studies show that after encroached conifers are removed, sage-grouse occupancy, nest survival, and brood success are greatly improved. Studies also show that sagebrush songbirds recolonize rapidly following encroached conifer removal.

Native plants in crested wheatgrass

Long-term recovery in native vs. nonnative post-fire seedings

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Results indicate that postfire seeding has lasting effects on vegetation composition and structure, implying that seed mixes should be carefully formulated to promote long-term management objectives. Seed mixes containing large amounts of competitive introduced species may be especially effective for long-term cheatgrass suppression, but native-only mixes can also serve this purpose to a lesser degree while avoiding drawbacks of non-native species introductions.

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Evaluating collaborative progress in natural resource management

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In this paper, we present a reflexive examination of how and why we, an academic and a practitioner, arrive at different evaluations of collaborative progress in natural resource management. We situate this examination in our long-standing involvement in designing, adaptively managing, and participating in the Uncompahgre Plateau collaborative forest restoration project in western Colorado, USA.

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Fire operations: Discussing current practices and necessary changes

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This collection of essays—divided into three key categories: Risk, Culture, and Operations—daylights qualities and practices in the wildland fire service across a broad spectrum, from outdated and unwarranted to honorable and profound. We must acknowledge our current culture and its shortcomings while using its strengths to lead change.

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Nonnative plants, fuels, and desert revegetation

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To revegetate disturbed desert lands, practitioners often reestablish fertile islands as a first step in restoring native plants and associated fauna on disturbed desert sites. This research brief discusses the pros and cons of this approach considering native and non-native species.

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New strategy for protecting watersheds in a warming world

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In increasingly arid regions such as the western U.S., water managers are learning that careful management and restoration of watershed ecosystems, including thinning trees and conducting prescribed burns, are important tools in coping with a hotter, drier climate.

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Pre‐dispersal seed predation and pollen limitation constrain Astragalus utahensis

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Our results suggest that pollen limitation and insect herbivores limit population growth in A. utahensis similarly across the centre‐to‐north portion of its latitudinal distribution. However, because A. utahensis population growth barely reaches the level of replacement at the northern range edge, the reduction in λ resulting from these interactions may contribute to limiting expansion at the northern edge of A. utahensis’ latitudinal range.

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Restoring species diversity: Assessing capacity in the US native plant industry

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Of the approximately 25,000 vascular plant taxa native to the United States, 26% are sold commercially, with growth form, conservation status, distribution, and taxonomy significantly predicting availability. In contrast, only 0.07% of approximately 3,000 native nonvascular taxa are sold commercially. We also investigated how demand for germplasm to support high‐quality restoration efforts is met by vendors in the Midwestern tallgrass prairie region, which has been targeted extensively by restoration efforts for decades. In this well‐developed native plant market, 74% of more than 1,000 target species are commercially available, often from vendors that advertise genetically diverse, locally sourced germplasm. We make recommendations to build on the successes of regional markets like the tallgrass prairie region, and to fill identified gaps, including investing in research to support production, ensuring more consistent and clear demand, and fostering regional collaboration.

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