Research and Publications

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Hot-Dry-Windy Index: A new fire weather index

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The Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) is used to provide the meteorological data for calculating the indices. Our results indicate that HDW can identify days on which synoptic-and meso-alpha-scale weather processes can contribute to especially dangerous fire behavior. HDW is shown to perform better than the HI for each of the four historical fires. Additionally, since HDW is based on the meteorological variables that govern the potential for the atmosphere to affect a fire, it is possible to speculate on why HDW would be more or less effective based on the conditions that prevail in a given fire case. The HI, in contrast, does not have a physical basis, which makes speculation on why it works or does not work difficult because the mechanisms are not clear.

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Non-native plants, fuels, and desert revegetation

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In this study, we conducted a field and data synthesis of nine years of annual plant communities occurring below perennial plants the National Park Service (NPS) had outplanted in 2008. At 30 sites disturbed by road construction and that were revegetated by NPS, we measured annual and perennial plants in 2009 (one year after nursery-grown perennials were outplanted at the sites), 2010, 2011, and 2017 (nine years after restoration). We also made these same measurements below vertical mulch structures.

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Burning for butterflies: Weather and fuel conditions for butterfly habitat

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In this study, researchers measured vegetation structure and fuel moisture (pre-burn), weather conditions, belowground heat dosages, and peak temperatures (during the burn), and burn severities and unburned refugia (post-burn) for paired morning and afternoon prescribed burns at each of ten prairie sites throughout the south Puget Sound in 2014.

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Unintended habitat loss on private land from grazing restrictions on public rangelands

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This study predicts that restricting grazing of public lands by 50% would result in the loss of an additional 171,400 ha of sage‐grouse habitat on private lands by 2050, on top of the 842,000 ha predicted to be lost under business as usual. Most of this conversion would affect sage‐grouse mesic habitat, 75% of which occurs on private land and is vital to the species during brood rearing. Under such policy changes, we estimate that an additional 105,700 ha (3.24%) of sage‐grouse mesic habitat held on private land in the study region would be directly lost by 2050, and the cumulative area affected by fragmentation would be much higher.

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SageSTEP News: Issue 33 – Fire effects and longevity of PJ mastication treatments

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In this issue:

  • Wildfire and SageSTEP research: An inevitable collision
  • Treatment longevity and changes in surface fuel loads after pinyon-juniper mastication
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Low-tech riparian and wet meadow restoration increases productivity and resilience in semiarid rangelands

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In this study, we use freely available, satellite remote sensing to explore changes in vegetation productivity(normalized difference vegetation index) of three distinct, low-tech, riparian and wet meadow restoration projects. Case studies are presented that range in geographic location (Colorado, Oregon, and Nevada), restoration practice (Zeedyk structures,beaver dam analogs, and grazing management), and time since implementation. Restoration practices resulted in increased vegetation productivity of up to 25% and increased annual persistence of productive vegetation. Improvements in productivity with time since restoration suggest that elevated resilience may further enhance wildlife habitat and increase forage production.Long-term, documented outcomes of conservation are rare; we hope our findings empower practitioners to further monitor and explore the use of low-tech methods for restoration of ecohydrologic processes at meaningful spatial scales.

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Assessing riparian restoration effectiveness with data

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This study presents a method and case study to evaluate the effectiveness of restoration of riparian vegetation using a web-based cloud-computing and visualization tool ( to access and process remote sensing and climate data. In each study area, the post-restoration NDVI-precipitation relationship was statistically distinct from the pre-restoration relationship, suggesting a change in the fundamental relationship between precipitation and NDVI resulting from stream restoration. We infer that the in-stream structures, which raised the water table in the adjacent riparian areas, provided additional water to the streamside vegetation that was not available before restoration and reduced the dependence of riparian vegetation on precipitation. This approach provides a cost-effective, quantitative method for assessing the effects of stream restoration projects on riparian vegetation.

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Fire regimes of mountain big sagebrush communities – Review from FEIS

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This synthesis summarizes information available in the scientific literature on historical patterns and contemporary changes in fuels and fire regimes in mountain big sagebrush communities. This literature suggests that presettlement fires in the sagebrush biome were both lightning- and human-caused. Peak fire season occurred between April and October and varied geographically. Wildfires were high-severity, stand-replacement fires. Fire frequency estimates range from decades to centuries, depending on the applicable scale, methods used, and metrics calculated. Fire frequency was influenced by site characteristics. Because mountain big sagebrush communities occur over a productivity gradient driven by soil moisture and temperature regimes, fire regimes likely varied across the gradient, with more frequent fire on more productive sites that supported more continuous fine fuels. Sites dominated by mountain big sagebrush burned more frequently than sites dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush, because the former tend to be more productive. Mountain big sagebrush communities adjacent to fire-prone forest types (e.g., ponderosa pine) may have had more frequent fires than those adjacent to less fire-prone types (e.g., pinyon-juniper) and those far from forests and woodlands. Most fires were likely small (less than ~1,200 acres (~500 ha)), and large fires (>24,000 acres (10,000 ha)) were infrequent. Historically, large fires in big sagebrush were most likely after one or more relatively wet years or fire reseasons that favored growth of associated grasses, allowing fine fuels to accumulate and become more continuous.

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Fuels guide and database for intact and invaded big sagebrush ecological sites – User manual

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The Fuels Guide and Database (FGD) is intended to provide fuel loading and vegetation information for big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) ecological sites in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA) in southern Idaho. Sagebrush ecosystems in the NCA and throughout much of the Great Basin are highly influenced by non-native plants that alter successional trajectories and promote frequent wildfires, especially due to fine-fuel loadings that are highly variable over time and space. These dynamic fuel conditions can increase uncertainty when attempting to project fire risk and fire behavior. The FGD was developed to help quantify and assess these dynamic fuel loadings, and it provides access to fuels data across a range of conditions, from relatively intact sagebrush-bunchgrass communities to degraded communities dominated by nonnative annual grasses and forbs. The FGD can be queried for a variety of environmental conditions, and it provides tabular data, reports, and photographic records of fuels based on user queries. This report describes the FGD, including overall data content and data-collection methods, as well as instructions for installing and using the database.

Fire regime on a cultural landscape: Navajo Nation

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We worked with the Navajo Nation Forestry Department to evaluate the historical role of fire on a 50 km2 landscape bisected by a natural mountain pass. The landscape experienced frequent fires from 1644, the earliest fire date with sufficient sample depth, to 1920, after which fire occurrence was interrupted. The mean fire interval (MFI) for fire dates scarring 10% or more of the samples was 6.25 years; there were 13 large‐scale fires identified with the 25% filter with an MFI of 22.6 years. Fire regimes varied over the landscape, with an early reduction in fire occurrence after 1829, likely associated with pastoralism, in the outer uplands away from the pass. In contrast, the pass corridor had continuing fire occurrence until the early 20th century. Fires were synchronized with large‐scale top‐down climatic oscillations (drought and La Niña), but the spatially explicit landscape sampling design allowed us to detect bottom‐up factors of topography, livestock grazing, and human movement patterns that interacted in complex ways to influence the fire regime at fine scales. Since the early 20th century, however, fires have been completely excluded. Fuel accumulation in the absence of fire and warming climate present challenges for future management.

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