Conference / Meeting
Conference website for on-demand content.
The International Assoc of Fire Chief’s Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) conference offers hands-on training and interactive sessions designed to address the challenges of wildland fire. If you’re one of the many people responsible for protecting local forests or educating landowners and your community about the importance of land management—then this is the conference for you.
Conference was held at the Peppermill Resort in Reno, NV.
Visit event website.
Fire and Climate 2022 will bring attention to one of the most important forces shaping wildfire and better prepare how we can focus and respond to this formidable challenge in the new decade. This conference will feature insights, case studies, innovations and opinions from around the world to begin to form a collective, global approach to the wildfire challenge. California has been at the forefront of innovation in wildland fire management and holding a conference in California to fully leverage the lessons learned and adaptive behaviors that will continue to emerge after the Camp Fire will benefit the entire international wildland fire community.
Visit event recordings.
The NM Wildland Urban Summit is attended by community members, fire service volunteers and professionals, non-profit conservation groups engaged in fire adaptation, and federal, state and local government representatives.
Visit conference webpage.
Life from the Ashes explored the positive and negative impacts of prescribed and natural fire related to insects and other invertebrates in landscapes across North America. The symposium provided research and practical insights to inform natural areas professionals as they manage landscapes with fire.
This program was provided in a collaboration between the Natural Areas Association (NAA) and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Xerces). NAA serves those dedicated to the management and restoration of biologically important natural areas in North America. Xerces is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. Protecting nature requires reliable science to inform practices on-the-ground and a network of stewards who work tirelessly to protect, manage and restore land and water biodiversity.
Symposium recordings.
Description: This free online symposium for researchers and fire managers will highlight the latest advances in using soil moisture information to better understand and predict wildfire danger. These recent discoveries are revealing the potential for soil moisture estimates from in situ monitoring stations, remote sensing, and models to improve fire danger predictions and to advance our understanding of fire behavior. This interactive symposium will provide researchers and fire managers a unique opportunity to connect with others, to learn about ongoing research in this area, and to discuss ways to move forward with new research and end uses.
John Bolten, Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
J. D. Carlson, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University
Nicholas Coops, Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia
W. Matt Jolly, Rocky Mountain Research Station Fire Sciences Laboratory, U.S. Forest Service
Brian Magi, Geography and Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Brad Quayle, Geospatial Technology and Applications Center, U.S. Forest Service
J. T. Reager, Terrestrial Hydrology Group, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Angela Rigden, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
The Great Basin Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration is hosting a virtual conference with a diverse range of speakers–early career scientists studying a range of restoration-related topics. If you are interested in learning about hot topics on the horizon for restoration in our region, this is the meeting for you!
Conference website.
On April 6-8, 2021 the University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group hosted the 11th Northwest Climate Conference (NWCC) as a fully virtual conference. This conference has provided a networking and learning community for practitioners, scientists, tribal members, and community organizers interested in climate change impacts and adaptation in the Northwest for over a decade. The NWCC is committed to supporting equitable climate adaptation outcomes and building equity and diversity in climate science, policy, and adaptation practice. We encourage our conference attendees and presenters to advance the conversation around climate justice both as a stand alone topic and across the many other topics and themes profiled in the conference. If you are working to build a climate-resilient Northwest, this conference is for you.
Visit workshop webpage.
Idaho’s collaborative groups are committed to promoting forest restoration on federal lands. National elections and new Administrations may modify policy impacting public lands management. What is the potential impact on collaborative groups engaged in forest restoration? This regional event brings together leaders from the timber industry, local government, conservation organizations, community groups, and land management agencies from across Idaho. IFRP has structured this virtual conference to include informative presentations, panel discussions on current issues, and break-out sessions.
Conference presentations.
Conference theme: Resilient Colorado: Moving Forward in Evolving Wildfire Landscapes
September 21-23, 2021
Double Tree Hotel
743 Horizon Drive
Grand Junction, Colorado
Event website.
The 9th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, hosted by the Association for Fire Ecology in cooperation with Tall Timbers, was held in the Florida Panhandle at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort, November 30 to December 4, 2021.