Conference / Meeting

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Colorado Wildland Fire Virtual Conference

Visit conference website.

This year’s conference, Discover Your Role: Reducing Wildland Fire Risk will provide an in-depth exploration of how community members across the spectrum can effectively contribute to better fire outcomes and provide community wildfire resilience leaders with new knowledge and tools for engaging partners and the public.

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2020 After the Flames Science Symposium Recordings

After the Flames Science Session Recordings

Post-fire science needs for emergency response hazards and rehabilitation: An online opportunity to discuss the state of post-fire science and identify future needs was designed to:

  • Assess science needs and barriers to communication of post-fire science
  • Determine communication strategies for post-fire science
  • Develop pathways forward for working together in post-fire response
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ANREP 2021 Virtual Conference

Visit ANREP 2020 Conference website.

The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) conference theme was: Place-Based and Future-Focused: Fulfilling the Land Grant Mission in an Evolving Landscape. It was held virtually May 23-26, 2021.

The conference offers abundant opportunities for professional growth and development. Presentations, field tours, workshops, poster displays and informal networking provide a variety of options for skill building, knowledge sharing, collaboration and idea generation in a welcoming atmosphere.


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Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition (RVCC): 16th Annual Meeting

Meeting notes available from the RVCC meeting webpage.

The RVCC Annual Meeting connects practitioners in land stewardship from across the West, facilitates peer to peer learning, and helps participants identify common challenges and opportunities. By bringing leaders together and asking critical questions, we can develop comprehensive solutions and, ultimately, be more effective as a whole. The meeting combines inspiration, innovation and a healthy dose of fun.

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Sage-Grouse Conservation Partnership 2019 Summit

The 2019 Summit took place in Burns, OR.  To learn more about the Partnership, visit the SageCon webpage.

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Reclaim, Restore, Rewild – Joint conference with Canadian Land Reclamation, Society for Ecological Restoration, and Society of Wetland Scientists

Visit conference website.

Reclaim, Restore, Rewild is a joint conference with Canadian Land Reclamation, Society for Ecological Restoration, and Society of Wetland Scientists. It will be June 19-24, 2021 at the Quebec City Convention Center in Canada.

The theme of the 2021 June 19-24 conference is “From Reclaiming to Restoring and Rewilding”. It aims to stimulate discussions about the range of environmental management approaches advocated by the three hosting societies. Reclaiming is recognized and practiced by many industries, including mining and petrol extraction. Restoring is recognized most broadly around the world, and has been the main focus of SER. Rewilding, or bringing back to nature, allows us to dream.

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Presentation Recordings from Working Lands for Wildlife Symposium: Joint Wildlife and American Fisheries Society Conference

The following links are recordings of the presentations made by Working Lands for Wildlife researchers at The Wildlife Society’s 26th Annual Conference. This conference was in Reno, Nevada in October 2019. These videos are courtesy of The Wildlife Society and the USDA-NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife and Conservation Effect Assessment Project.

Cut a tree, grow a grouse: Implications of juniper removal for sage-grouse population growth

Conifers in context: A community-based evaluation of conifer removal for sagebrush and woodland obligates

Sage-grouse: Microhabitat specialist or sagebrush generalist

Ground-dwelling arthropod community response to livestock grazing: Implications for avian conservation

Revolutionizing rangeland monitoring

Motivating large-scale resilience management on working lands: Outcomes for wildlife, water, and wildfire


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Utah All Hands-All Lands Summit

Access session recordings. Use password: SAGE2019

All Lands Summit was held at the Salt Lake City Downtown Radisson Hotel on Feb 5-7, 2019.


Restoring the West Conference – Presentation recordings from all past year’s conferences

Access conference presentations.

Overcoming land management and restoration challenges to achieve sustained yield of multiple uses on public lands has been the focus of the Annual Restoring the West Conferences for many years.

By law the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and many other governmental agencies must manage their lands for “sustained yield” of “multiple-uses” like outdoor recreation, range, timber, watershed, and wildlife and fish “without … impairment of the productivity of the land”. Demand for these resources on public lands, and for ecosystem services and other previously unanticipated outputs, is increasing greatly. Management has gotten more complicated as uses and users have increased. At this conference researchers and managers share ideas about and examples of compromise, collaboration, and creativity that can improve management and restoration of public lands for sustained yield of the many resources we value.


Great Basin Wildfire Forum: The search for solutions

View forum report.

This document includes scientist contributions and group recommendations that came from the Great Basin Wildfire Forum held at the University of Nevada in September of 2007.  In the first section, the editors provide background and overview of the major issues of the Great Basin as they relate to the wildfire forum discussions. The next section is an edited version of the individual contributions of the scientists based on their oral presentations and written contributions.

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