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Risk Management Assistance (RMA) Dashboard

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The RMA Dashboard is a series of tabs to products to help line officers, agency administrators, fire managers, incident management teams, area commands, geographic area coordination centers, and multi-agency coordination groups to make more risk-informed decisions to achieve safer and improved outcomes. These additional analytics are not a replacement for locally-derived and calibrated decision thresholds or procedures as outlined in manual direction (e.g., the WFDSS Decision, Fire Danger Operating Plans). However, it is hoped that these new products can be infused into pre- and post-planning and incident response systems, procedures, and documentation, like the WFDSS Course of Action or Rationale.

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Compiling and standardizing greater sage-grouse lek databases

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Collectively managing sage-grouse data collected by eleven states within the United States since the 1950s is very challenging, and analyses of these data present hurdles due to its large volume and breadth of methods used to record field observations. We present software that aids in the compilation of these disparate databases that can support population analyses and management of sage-grouse by states.

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Conservation Efforts Database

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The spatially explicit, web-based Conservation Efforts Database is capable of (1) allowing multiple-users to enter data from different locations, (2) uploading and storing documents, (3) linking conservation actions to one or more threats (one-to-many relationships), (4) reporting functions that would allow summaries of the conservation actions at multiple scales (e.g., management zones, populations, or priority areas for conservation), and (5) accounting for actions at multiple scales from small easements to statewide planning efforts.

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Post-Fire Resources Website

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After a catastrophic wildfire, quick action must be taken to minimize social, environmental, and economic devastation. Responsive action requires navigating a complex maze of diverse landowners, community  organizations, and numerous local and federal requirements.

Given enough time,  forests eventually heal from wildfire. But  that healing process can take decades, or even centuries. They simply  won’t heal quickly without human intervention. Timely rehabilitation efforts reduce environmental impacts of fire, and can have a positive impact on the community’s social and economic situation in the months  and years after the fire. Perhaps most importantly, quick and effective  rehabilitation efforts improve public health and safety.

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Sage-grouse: Life cycle in photos

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The photos in this story come from Sage Grouse: Icon of the West by Noppadol Paothong, a new book about the beautiful sagebrush landscape and the unique bird that defines its ecosystem and culture.

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Data resources for range-wide assessment of livestock grazing across the sagebrush biome

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The USGS webpage for Survey Data Series 690 provides access to livestock grazing data from 25 BLM offices in 13 states including spatial and tabular data related to BLM grazing allotments.

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Resource Manager Toolkit: Post-Fire Floods

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The After Fire Toolkit and Information website is where managers,  landowners, or communities can find guidance for assessing and preventing potential damage due to post-fire flooding and related events.  Browse this site to find information on the research, methods, and tools available for measuring and reducing risks associated with post-fire flooding, debris flows and sedimentation.

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Fire and climate data for western Bailey's ecosections, USA

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The relationship between climate and wildfire area burned suggests how fire regimes may respond to a changing climate. This West-wide data publication contains a 27-year record (1980-2006) of climatological variables used to develop statistical models of area burned that can be projected into the future. We provide a separate file for each of the 56 Bailey’s ecosections (Bailey 2016) across the West, with annual area burned and 112 climate predictor variables such as evapotranspiration, precipitation, relative humidity, soil moisture, snow-water equivalent, minimum and maximum temperature, and vapor pressure deficit. These historical and future hydroclimate projections and historical fire area burned data were derived for McKenzie and Littell (2016).

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Rangeland fire and sage-grouse – NIFC website

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A resource for firefighters, fire managers, the public, and anyone who may be interested in wildfire’s effect on the sagebrush-steppe ecosystem.

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Great Basin LCC Projects, News, Events, and Story Maps

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Explore the Great Basin LCC, its projects, events, story maps, and news.

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