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Publications Database from the Great Basin Research and Management Partnership

Access database.

The Great Basin Bibliography provides access to publication titles and articles relevant to the Great Basin region.

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Landscape Approach Data Portal – Data, maps, and models from BLM's Landscape Approach Initiatives

Access data portal.

The BLM’s Landscape Approach Data Portal is a one-stop source for geospatial data, maps, models and reports produced by BLM’s landscape initiatives including the: Rapid Ecoregional Assessments (REAs), Fire & Invasives Assessment (FIAT) program, and Sage-Grouse Initiative.

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US Geological Survey Science Data Catalog

Access catalog.

The USGS Science Data Catalog provides seamless access to USGS research and monitoring data from across the nation. Users have the ability to search, browse, or use a map-based interface to discover data.

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Great Basin Research and Management Partnership – Participants and Expertise Database

Access database.

Collaboration relies on the ability of groups and individuals to find experts in various fields. The GBRMP Participants and Expertise Database is one resource that can be used to find these experts.

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Fire Effects Information System Website (FEIS)

Access FEIS database.

The FEIS database provides access to more than 1,200 species reviews, 150 fire studies, and is now producing fire regime syntheses. This suite of products provides information on plant, lichen, and wildlife species’ life history, ecology, and relationship to fire and detailed descriptions of site characteristics, burning conditions, fire behavior, and fire effects. This spatially searchable database was developed by the USDA-FS, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, Montana.

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US Geological Survey Science Locator

Access tool.

The USGS Science Locator tool provides a way to search for published research locations in the Great Basin.

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Great Basin Research and Management Partnership Consortia Database

Access database.

The GBRMP Consortia Database provides a way to easily identify the various partnership groups in the Great Basin and obtain a quick reference to their goals, points of contact, and relationships.

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SageSTEP – Sagebrush steppe treatment evaluation project

Visit SageSTEP website.

SageSTEP is a long-term multidisciplinary experiment evaluating methods of sagebrush steppe restoration in the Great Basin.

You can find and access information on this project’s:

  • Land management treatments
  • Treatment effects on vegetation and fuels; soils and biogeochemistry; water runoff and erosion; wildlife and insects
  • The economics and human perspectives of management treatments
  • Association with climate change
  • Research findings thus far and project future
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Climate Information for Managed Fire Webpage

Access webpage.

The Climate Information for Managed Fire Webpage provides links to models and tools that can be used for managed fire decision-making.

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Resource Types
No results found
Database (19)
Map (4)
Tool (3)
Story Map (2)
Model (1)
No results found
Climate & Fire & Adaptation (2)
Decision Support (7)
Fire Communication & Education (3)
Fire Ecology & Effects (3)
Fire History (1)
Fire Regimes (3)
Fuels & Fuel Treatments (3)
Human Dimensions of Fire (2)
Landscape Analysis (3)
Monitoring (1)
Post-fire Environment & Management (2)
Sage-grouse (5)
Sagebrush (5)

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