Fact Sheet / Brief

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Conifer removal in the sagebrush steppe: The why, when, where, and how

View fact sheet, pg. 16.

This fact sheet provides land managers with a brief summary of the effects of conifer expansion and infill in sagebrush ecosystems and of potential management strategies.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Reestablishing perennial-dominated plant communities in medusahead-invaded sagebrush rangeland

View fact sheet, pg. 12.

This fact sheet provides managers with tools and strategies to reestablish perennial-dominated plant communities in medusahead-invaded sagebrush rangelands.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Putting resilience and resistance into practice

View fact sheet.

Land managers are increasingly interested in improving resilience to disturbances,such as wildfire, and resistance to invasive species,such as cheatgrass and medusahead. This fact sheet is designed to assist land managers in resilience and resistance concepts to assess risks, prioritize management activities, and select treatments.

This is the first of many topics reviewed in the Great Basin Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Assessing fuel loads in sagebrush steppe and PJ woodlands

View fact sheet, pg. 43.

This fact sheet defines Great Basin wildland fuels and reviews some of the approaches used to assess fuel loads in Great Basin ecosystems.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Wind erosion following wildfire in Great Basin ecosystems

View fact sheet, pg. 28.

This fact sheet aim introduces the basic patterns, concepts, and terminology of wind erosion and provides a basic framework for erosion risk assessment and response.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Management of aspen in a changing environment

View fact sheet, pg. 60.

This fact sheet provides land managers with information that can help identify different aspen types, assess the condition of aspen stands, and prioritize stands for restoration using appropriate treatments.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Seeding big sagebrush successfully on Intermountain rangelands

View fact sheet, pg 49.

This fact sheet provides land managers with state-of-the-art information on the establishment of big sagebrush through direct seeding.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Assessing impacts of fire and post-fire mitigation on runoff and erosion from rangelands

View fact sheet, pg. 54.

This fact sheet provides an overview of the immediate and short-term hydrologic impacts of fire on infiltration, runoff, and erosion by water, and of the effectiveness of various mitigation treatments in the reduction of runoff and erosion in the years following the fire.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Woody fuels reduction in Wyoming big sagebrush communities

View fact sheet, pg. 68.

This fact sheet discusses consequences and options for woody plant fuel reduction in Wyoming big sagebrush plant communities of the Intermountain West.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Seeding techniques for sagebrush community restoration after fire

View fact sheet, pg. 74.

Great Basin sagebrush communities are experiencing widespread degradation due to the introduction of invasive annual weeds and disturbances that promote weed expansion, including inappropriate grazing and fire. Many sites previously occupied by diverse communities of perennial grasses, forbs, and shrubs have been reduced to depauperate sagebrush stands that readily become dominated by invasive annuals following fire. Post-fire seeding may be necessary to prevent these areas from converting to annual grasslands.

View all topics reviewed in the Fact Sheet series.

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