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Multi-species management and desert landscapes

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This webinar illuminated the challenges and opportunities posed by landscape-level species management in the desert southwest. Moderator: Matt McKinney, Director of the Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy at the University of Montana. Panelists: Alexa Sandoval, Director, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish; John Swett, Program Manager, Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program; Jim deVos, Assistant Director, Wildlife Management, Arizona Game and Fish Department; Bill McDonald, Executive Director, Malpai Borderlands Group. This webinar is one in a series for the “Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative,” the Chairman’s Initiative of Wyoming Governor and Western Governors’ Association Chairman Matt Mead.

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Empowering private landowner conservation

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This webinar highlighted the importance of private land in species conservation efforts, innovative ways to address conservation finance, and the incentives that work for private landowners. Moderator: Chris West, Director, Rocky Mountain Regional Office of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Panelists: Amos Eno, Executive Director/President, Resources First Foundation; Jeff Morgheim, Founder and Principal, Edge Strategic Consulting, LLC; Lesli Allison, Executive Director, Western Landowners Alliance. This webinar is one in a series for the “Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative,” the Chairman’s Initiative of Wyoming Governor and Western Governors’ Association Chairman Matt Mead.

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US National Fire Danger Rating System: Past, present, and future

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This seminar was presented by W. Matt Jolly and recorded by the USFS, RMRS, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory.

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Lessons in creating and maintaining prescribed burn associations

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A Southern Fire Exchange webinar with John Weir of Oklahoma State University and the Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association. Are you involved in creating, developing, guiding, or supporting a prescribed burn association (PBA)? Are you interested learning how prescribed burn associations work or how they’re successfully sustained? Led by national PBA expert John Weir and supported by other PBA leaders, this webinar discussed a range of common questions faced by PBA organizers and organizations. The webinar started with a short overview of prescribed burn associations, their existing locations, structure and organization. After that introduction, the webinar opened up into an extended question and answer period to address some of the most common issues that come up in PBA development and maintenance.

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Adapting wildfire management to 21st century conditions

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This Critical Issues webinar explores recent trends in wildfires and changes in contributing factors / drivers of these hazards and features case studies of wildfire policy and management strategies in the western and southern United States.

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Targeted grazing applied to alter fuels and reduce fire behavior metrics in shrub-grasslands

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This webinar discusses how targeted grazing can reduce fuels to prevent wildfire in shrub-grasslands. Chris Schachtschneider, Eva Strand, and Scott Jensen, University of Idaho, present.

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Making it work: How Michigan National Forests modified LANDFIRE data for local use

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This webinar gives a brief introduction to multiple LANDFIRE datasets and then explore how two National Forests are working to tweak LANDFIRE data to better meet their needs. We will conclude by sharing resources and ideas that may help you think through modifying LANDFIRE or other similar datasets for your use.

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Fire, smoke, and air quality

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This webinar discusses various agricultural and forestry fires and their impacts on air quality, including smoke and other air emissions. Basic Smoke Management Practices (BSMPs) will be discussed as means to minimize air quality impacts from prescribed fires.

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Diversity: Just gender and race…Or a diversity of perspectives?

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Let us unpack an “uncomfortable” question: Why don’t women in fire universally encourage more women to join fire? This discussion will be based on the following premise: “fitting in with the firefighter culture is essential for safety and a positive work environment.” I will explore the firefighter culture, how women do this “fitting in,” and implications of the associated lost opportunities for truly diversifying the firefighting workforce. Personal anecdotes, experiences, and woman-related oral tradition will be used to illustrate challenges and highlight possible opportunities for future improvement. Presenter: Sara Brown, USFS Human Performance & Organizational Learning Research, Development & Applications


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Scaling up collaborative restoration: What can be learned from participatory landscape simulation modeling?

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It is widely recognized that forest restoration needs to be scaled up to landscapes. This webinar described the findings from the project “Go big or Go Home?” in the eastern Cascades of Oregon. The goals of the project were to analyze how forest collaboratives and Forest Service managers can plan and manage at landscape scales, and determine how scientific research, participatory simulation modeling, and innovations in collaborative participation can contribute to the process.

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