
Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Increasing integration of pollinator-friendly forbs in wildland restoration

In this webinar, Byron Love, Ph.D. candidate at Utah State University and technician with the USDA ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit, discusses increasing the integration of pollinator-friendly forbs in wildland restoration.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Climate, weather, and sagebrush seed sources: Experimental insights on challenges and opportunities

In this webinar, Matt Germino, Research Ecologist, USGS Snake River Field Station, discusses experimental insights on challenges and opportunities regarding climate, weather, and sagebrush seed sources.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Post-fire wind and water erosion in the Great Basin: Results and management implications

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Matt Germino, Idaho State University, and Jason Williams, USDA ARS, discuss post-fire wind and water erosion issues and associated management implications. Questions and discussion follow.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Seed zones and climate change

This webinar with Francis Kilkenny, Research Biologist with the USFS-RMRS, discusses seed zones as they relate to and become increasingly important with climate change.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Changes in fuels across the western juniper/pj woodland successional gradient: implications for effective use of fire treatments

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Steve Bunting, University of Idaho, shares his research on changes in fuels across the western juniper/PJ woodland successional gradient and implications for effective use of fire treatments. There will be 20 minutes for discussion about management implications.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Effects of fire and mechanical treatments on plants and wildlife in western juniper and PJ woodlands

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Rick Miller, Oregon State University, shares his research on how fire and mechanical treatments effect plant and wildlife communities in western juniper and pinyon-juniper woodlands. The last 20 minutes was reserved for a discussion about management implications. Definitions of terms used in this webinar.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Conservation for greater sage-grouse: Approaches for prioritizing management

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Steve Knick, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, shares his research on conservation issues related to sage grouse and other species of concern and approaches for prioritizing management to address conservation issues.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Understanding resistance to invasion and resilience to disturbance: Importance for restoring and managing rangelands

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Jeanne Chambers, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, discusses the importance of resistance to invasion and resilience to disturbance in restoration and management of Great Basin rangelands.

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Climate change, climate variability, and ecosystem response in the Great Basin

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, Faith Ann Heinsch, Research Ecologist, RMRS Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, presents a synthesis of research on climate change in the western U.S., with new research results specific to the eastern Great Basin and options for managers to consider.

Topics include:

  • Current ecosystem responses to increased temperatures and drought in the western U.S.
  • Predicted future climate change for the western U.S.
  •  Projections for increased fire
  • Impacts on public management

Webinar recording

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Discussion of objective-setting for resumption of grazing following wildfire and rehabilitation activities

Webinar brief.

In this webinar, David Pyke, Plant Ecologist, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, discusses setting objectives for resumption of grazing post-fire/rehabilitation activities.

Webinar recording

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