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Wildfire ready watersheds

Webinar recording.

The Wildfire Ready Watersheds Program provides guidance to help predict where and what post-fire impacts will be felt in local communities. The program provides a detailed work plan that community groups can use to refine and add detail to the study in ways that reflect local priorities and values. Importantly, the Wildfire Ready Watersheds Program also provides guidance on actions that may be taken to reduce the impact of these post-fire hazards on infrastructure and natural resources – both before, and after, a wildfire occurs. The Wildfire Ready Watershed Program hopes to support pre-and post-wildfire planning and response efforts in your community.

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Wildland Fire Trends Tool: A web-based data visualization tool for displaying wildlife trend and patterns in the western US

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Presenter: Douglas J. Shinneman, Research Ecologist, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

Description: Accurately assessing recent and historical wildfire activity is critical for numerous agencies who manage fire-prone landscapes. The Wildland Fire Trends Tool (WFTT) is a data visualization and analysis tool that calculates and displays wildfire trends and patterns for the western U.S. based on user-selected regions of interest, time periods, and ecosystem types. For instance, users can determine whether the area burned by wildfire is increasing or decreasing over time for a specific ecoregion or for land ownership types of interest. The tool is available via a web application and generates a variety of maps, graphs, and tabular data that provide useful information for fire science and management objectives, as well as for the interested public.

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SCIENCEx Webinar Series: Planning for forests and rangelands of the future

Webinar recordings

Monday, May 15, SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Forest Resources and Disturbance
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    Forest Resources, Current and Future, presented by John Coulston
•    Recent and future trends in disturbances to forests and rangelands across the conterminous U.S., presented by Jennifer Costanza

Tuesday, May 16, SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Forest Products and Water Resources
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    Forest Products Markets, presented by Jeff Prestemon
•    Current and future projections of water use and supply in the United States, presented by Travis Warziniack

Wednesday, May 17 SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Rangeland Resources and Biodiversity
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    The 2020 Rangeland Assessment, presented by Matt Reeves
•    Patterns and threats to biological diversity across the United States: Focusing on land use and climate change, presented by Becky Flitcroft

Thursday, May 18 SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: Resources Planning Act – Land Resources and Outdoor Recreation
•    RPA Overview, presented by Claire O’Dea (recorded session)
•    The past and future of land resources: foundations for the 2020 RPA Assessment, presented by Kurt Riitters
•    Outdoor recreation participation in in the U.S. in 2040 and 2070, presented by Eric White

Friday, May 19 SCIENCE x Planning for Forests of the Future: National Report on Sustainable Forests
•    USDA Forest Service National Reporting on Forest Sustainability: Observations and Program Overview, presented by Guy Robertson
•    Key Findings from the 2020 National Report on Sustainable Forests, presented by Lara Murray
•    The Montréal Process: a voluntary international agreement to measure, monitor and make progress on forest conservation and sustainable management, presented by Kathleen McGinley

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Public experiences and perceptions with wildfire and flooding, A case study of the 2019 Museum fire

Webinar recording.

Description: The greater Flagstaff area in northern Arizona has experienced multiple wildfires in recent years that have resulted in post-wildfire flooding. These events galvanized collaborative efforts to reduce hazardous fuels on steep slopes and implement flood mitigation improvements around the city and in the municipal watershed. In this presentation, the 2019 Museum Fire provides a case study for better understanding how the cascading disturbances of wildfire and post-wildfire flooding, which can be further compounded by adjacent disturbances like monsoon-related flooding, impact the public and how residents are informed of, perceive, and respond to these risks. This webinar examines findings from two household surveys: one conducted in 2019 immediately following the Museum Fire, and a follow-up survey conducted in 2022 following flooding associated with the burn scar and monsoonal events. The research presented provides insights into public experiences with and perceptions of wildfires, post-wildfire flooding, and forest management more broadly over time, and offers suggestions for improving the exchange of information between and among agencies and the public to facilitate mutual understanding and enhance adaptive capacity for future wildfires and flood events.

Presenters: Melanie Colavito, PhD, Director of Policy and Communications, ERI at NAU; Niki vonHedemann, PhD, Senior Research Coordinator and Human Dimensions Specialist, ERI at NAU; and Catrin Edgeley, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Forestry at NAU


Harnessing genomics to examine local adaptation in sage-grouse

Webinar starts at 11 Pacific/12 Mtn.

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Stream and Riparian Geomorphic Sensitivity and Ecological Resilience to Guide Management – Meadow hydrology and traits, part 2

Webinar recording.

This webinar provides a framework for understanding and characterizing the ecological value and hydrologic support for meadows and for identifying key threats. The presenters illustrate how understanding the present-day status and sensitivity of the meadows can be used to prioritize areas for management and guide management strategies based on the potential for restoration.

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Stream and Riparian Geomorphic Sensitivity and Ecological Resilience to Guide Management – Watershed processes, part 1

Webinar recording.

This webinar provides a framework for assessing and characterizing the geomorphic sensitivity and ecological resilience of upland watersheds based on their predominant processes and the controls on these processes. The presenters illustrate how understanding the sensitivity, resilience, and process interactions can be used to assess the nature, magnitude, and potential responses of watersheds and stream reaches to disturbances and to determine their potential for restoration.

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Effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale

Webinar recording.

A recent report, Effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale: State of understanding and key research gaps, provides key findings from four literature synthesis documents (concepts and fuel treatment effectiveness measurements, empirical, simulation, and case studies) that evaluate the extent to which landscape fuel treatments mitigate adverse effects of wildfire, provide opportunities to manage fire for beneficial effects of wildfire, provide opportunities for cost efficient fire suppression strategies, maximize fire responder safety, provide results to inform future fuel treatment planning, and identify research gaps.

Join the Joint Fire Science Network and Rocky Mountain Research Station for the Landscape Fuel Treatment Effectiveness webinar on Wednesday, April 5 from 11:00 – 12:30 MT.

Four Rocky Mountain Research Station scientists will present their latest research followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.

  1. Lessons learned from wildland fire case studies | Ali Urza, Research Ecologist
  2. Quantifying forest wildfire hazard and fuel treatment effectiveness from stands to landscapes | Sharon Hood, Research Ecologist
  3. Fuel treatment scenarios tested through simulation studies | Jeff Ott, Research Ecologist
  4. Is there empirical evidence for landscape-level fuel treatment effectiveness? | Shawn McKinney, Writer/Editor
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Fire in the western US: Big fires. Big challenges. The call for regional learning and action.

Webinar recording.

Learn about the diverse inputs and outcomes from six large fires spanning five JFSP Regional Fire Science Exchanges. This webinar walks you through the jointly produced story map: Fire in the Western U.S.: Big fires. Big challenges. Big need for regional learning and action.

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Maximizing volunteer impact with ArcGIS hub

Webinar recording.

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