Fuels & Fuel Treatments

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LANDFIRE Data Product Review

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The purpose of the Data Product Review website is to provide a place where people can work through a review process of various LANDFIRE data products and a method for submitting feedback and suggestions on a number of LANDFIRE data products in a guidebook structure. The site is based on a content management platform with structured content for a dynamic web experience.  The feedback and suggestions will be reviewed both within and external to LANDFIRE and potentially improve future mapping updates and remaps.

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Effects of prescribed fire on wildlife and wildlife habitat in selected ecosystems of North America

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This technical manual provides regional accounts of historical and current uses of fire, and then discusses fire effects on wildlife and the challenges of using prescribed fire in each system.

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Mowing Wyoming big sagebrush cover effects across northern and central Nevada

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This study found that to encourage perennial grasses over annual herbaceous species in Wyoming big sagebrush communities, mowing is better suited to locales lacking exotic annuals and retaining ample cover of perennial grasses and sagebrush of smaller size.

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Landscape Approach Data Portal – Data, maps, and models from BLM's Landscape Approach Initiatives

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The BLM’s Landscape Approach Data Portal is a one-stop source for geospatial data, maps, models and reports produced by BLM’s landscape initiatives including the: Rapid Ecoregional Assessments (REAs), Fire & Invasives Assessment (FIAT) program, and Sage-Grouse Initiative.

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Effectiveness and longevity of wildland fire as a fuel treatment

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This research brief is based on several studies that can inform decision making by fire managers. Knowing that fire occurrence, size, and severity are limited by recent wildfires should provide greater flexibility and confidence in managing fire incidents and managing for resource benefit. Specifically, the findings from this study can be used by fire managers to help predict whether a previous fire will act as a fuel treatment based on fire age, forest type, and expected weather.

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Vegetation response to pinon and juniper tree shredding

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In this study, researchers determined vegetation response to fuel reduction by tree mastication (shredding) or seeding and then shredding by measuring cover of shrub and herbaceous functional groups on shredded and adjacent untreated areas on 44 sites in Utah. Findings suggested that shredding or seeding and then shredding should facilitate wildfire suppression, increase resistance to weed dominance, and lead toward greater resilience to disturbance by increasing perennial herbaceous cover.

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Nevada Society for Range Management Suggested Reading – Winter 2016

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These abstracts of recent papers on rangeland management in the West were prepared by Charlie Clements, Rangeland Scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV.

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Fuel breaks to reduce large wildfire impacts in sagebrush ecosystems

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This technical note provides a brief synopsis of proactive, linear fuel breaks as a tool for reducing negative impacts associated with large-scale wildfire in sagebrush ecosystems. The note summarizes what fuel breaks are designed to do, features of effective fuel breaks, specifications of common fuel break designs, and maintenance and management considerations based on a compilation of existing publications and practical lessons learned from past greenstrip and plant materials trials in the Great Basin. The purpose is primarily to provide practitioners with sufficient information to begin cooperative landscape planning efforts.

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Sagebrush songbirds benefit from sage-grouse habitat restoration

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This study shows that conifer removal for sage-grouse also benefits sagebrush-dependent songbirds. In the Warner Mountains of southern Oregon, Brewer’s sparrow abundance increased by +55% and green-tailed towhee jumped +81% following cuts. Annual increases each year post tree removal suggest that songbird use may increase even more with time. Abundances of species less dependent on shrublands including mountain bluebird and rock wren were unaffected by treatments.

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Nevada Society for Range Management Suggested Reading – Fall 2015

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These abstracts of recent papers on rangeland management in the West were prepared by Charlie Clements, Rangeland Scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV.

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