
Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Regional mapping of herbaceous annual cover in the Great Basin

View webinar recording.

Bruce Wylie and Stephen Boyte, USGS, discuss their recent research mapping herbaceous annual cover in the Great Basin. This webinar was hosted by the Great Basin LCC.


Society for Range Management (SRM) – 2018 Annual Meeting

Access recorded symposia:

The Society for Range Management’s 71st Annual Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show was at the Nugget Hotel in Sparks, Nevada.  The theme for the 2018 conference was Empowerment through Applied Science.


Geospatial and you – Broadscale assessments – 2015 Presentations of the GB Consortium Conference IV special session

Many inventory and assessment projects spanning large landscapes, the entire Great Basin, or the western US, have been completed recently or are underway for key natural resources. This special session of the 4th Great Basin Consortium Conference brought together leaders of these efforts to compare/contrast their efforts and create a synthesis product or “table of contents” for geospatial data users.
Geospatial presentations in pdf format are provided below:

Instructor points at the screen in front of an audience

Vegetation resilience, the role of the perennial herbaceous understory and intact sagebrush – 2011 workshop presentations

The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange and Nevada Partners for Conservation and Development co-hosted this workshop that addressed maintenance of intact sagebrush communities in the face of multiple ecological stressors.
Workshop presentations available in pdf format:

Computer monitor with triangular play button on the screen

Basics of quality assurance and quality control principles and application in the database for inventory, monitoring, and assessment

Webinar recording

This webinar covers basic quality assurance and quality control for Bureau of Land Management Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) projects using the Database for Inventory Monitoring and Assessment (DIMA).

Instructor points at the screen in front of an audience

Ecological Site Description Workshop 2014 – Presentations from SRM annual meeting

Workshop recordings.
Workshop series presented in Orlando, Florida at the SRM Annual Technical Conference were streamed live and recorded for archived use.

2/10/14 – Workshop 1: ESD Uses and Users, provides examples of ESD uses in diverse ecosystems throughout the United States. This workshop is a showcase of the increasing development and use of ESDs for all land types.

2/11/14 – Workshop 2: Unifying Concepts for Riparian Ecological Sites, focuses on advancing ESD concepts for riparian ecosystems, which differ from upland systems in the degree to which hydrology drives ecosystem dynamics. This riparian ESD workshop is part of a larger effort to advance the conceptual framework of ESDs in riparian systems, and will present the current state of RCESD concepts and provide opportunities for input from a broad audience.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Conservation Efforts Database: Improving knowledge of landscape conservation actions

View fact sheet.

The CONSERVATION EFFORTS DATABASE (CED) was codeveloped by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC):

  • USFWS provided a comprehensive ecological assessment separated by threats and efforts, and database structure based on user needs.
  • USGS provided database and website design expertise building off of the Land Treatment Digital Library.
  • GNLCC provided ecological, database, and GIS expertise, greatly enhancing CED capabilities.

Many state and federal partners provided input and feedback, ranging from design recommendations to policy sideboards, ensuring the CED has broad applicability and interoperability.

Open book with lines simulating text on left and right pages

Monitoring protocols: Options, approaches, implementation, benefits

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This chapter reviews some of the conceptual and technological advancements and provide examples of how they have influenced rangeland monitoring. It then discuss implications of these developments for rangeland management and highlight what are seen as challenges and opportunities for implementing effective rangeland monitoring. It concludes with a vision for how monitoring can contribute to rangeland information needs in the future.

A closed bound booklet with binoculars

Smoke management photographic guide: A visual aid for communicating impacts

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The primary purpose of this guide is to serve as a tool for communicating potential particulate matter (PM2.5) levels during wildfire events using visual representation. Examples of visibility impairment under various levels of smoke concentration and humidity have been modeled using the WinHaze program.

A box divided up into 3 rectangles and a magnifying glass

US Geological Survey Science Data Catalog

Access catalog.

The USGS Science Data Catalog provides seamless access to USGS research and monitoring data from across the nation. Users have the ability to search, browse, or use a map-based interface to discover data.

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