
SRM 2024 meeting logo

Society for Range Management – 2024 Annual Meeting

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This year’s meeting will be January 28-February 1, 2024 in Sparks, NV.

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Grassland intactness outcompetes species as a more efficient surrogate in conservation design

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Mapped representations of species−habitat relationships often underlie approaches to prioritize area-based conservation strategies to meet conservation goals for biodiversity. Generally a single surrogate species is used to inform conservation design, with the assumption that conservation actions for an appropriately selected species will confer benefits to a broader community of organisms. Emerging conservation frameworks across western North America are now relying on derived measures of intactness from remotely sensed vegetation data, wholly independent from species data. Understanding the efficacy of species-agnostic planning approaches is a critical step to ensuring the robustness of emerging conservation designs. We developed an approach to quantify ‘strength of surrogacy’, by applying prioritization algorithms to previously developed species models, and measuring their coverage provided to a broader wildlife community. We used this inference to test the relative surrogacy among a suite of species models used for conservation targeting in the endangered grasslands of the Northern Sagebrush Steppe, where careful planning can help stem the loss of private grazing lands to cultivation. In this test, we also derived a simpler surrogate of intact rangelands without species data for conservation targeting, along with a measure of combined migration representative of key areas for connectivity. Our measure of intactness vastly outperformed any species model as a surrogate for conservation, followed by that of combined migration, highlighting the efficacy of strategies that target large and intact rangeland cores for wildlife conservation and restoration efforts.

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Process for determining field-sampling effort required to know vegetation changes in large, disturbed rangelands

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Adequate numbers of replicated, dispersed, and random samples are the basis for reliable sampling inference on resources of concern, particularly vegetation cover across large and heterogenous areas such as rangelands. Tools are needed to predict and assess data precision, specifically the sampling effort required to attain acceptable levels of precision, before and after sampling. We describe and evaluate a flexible and scalable process for assessing the sampling effort requirement for a common monitoring context (responses of rangeland vegetation cover to post-fire restoration treatments), using a custom R script called “SampleRange.” In SampleRange, vegetation cover is estimated from available digital-gridded or field data (e.g., using the satellite-derived cover from the Rangeland Assessment Platform). Next, the sampling effort required to estimate cover with 20% relative standard error (RSE) or to saturate sampling effort is determined using simulations across the environmental gradients in areas of interest to estimate the number of needed plots (“SampleRange quota”). Finally, the SampleRange quota are randomly identified for actual sampling. A 2022 full-cycle trial of SampleRange using the best available digital and prior field data for areas treated after a 2017 wildfire in sagebrush-steppe rangelands revealed that differences in the predicted compared with realized RSEs are inevitable. Future efforts to account for uncertainty in remotely sensed−based vegetative products will enhance tool utility.

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Combining resilience and resistance with threat-based approaches for prioritizing management actions in sagebrush ecosystems

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The sagebrush biome is a dryland region in the western United States experiencing rapid transformations to novel ecological states. Threat-based approaches for managing anthropogenic and ecosystem threats have recently become prominent, but successfully mitigating threats depends on the ecological resilience of ecosystems. We used a spatially explicit approach for prioritizing management actions that combined a threat-based model with models of resilience to disturbance and resistance to annual grass invasion. The threat-based model assessed geographic patterns in sagebrush ecological integrity (SEI) to identify core sagebrush, growth opportunity, and other rangeland areas. The resilience and resistance model identified ecologically relevant climate and soil water availability indicators from process-based ecohydrological models. The SEI areas and resilience and resistance indicators were consistent – the resilience and resistance indicators showed generally positive relationships with the SEI areas. They also were complementary – SEI areas provided information on intact sagebrush areas and threats, while resilience and resistance provided information on responses to disturbances and management actions. The SEI index and resilience and resistance indicators provide the basis for prioritizing conservation and restoration actions and determining appropriate strategies. The difficulty and time required to conserve or restore SEI areas increase as threats increases and resilience and resistance decrease.

US Geological Survey logo

USGS Sagebrush and Fire Research Webinar Series

What: USGS will host 7 webinars focusing on updates to sagebrush and fire related research funded in FY23.  Each webinar will loosely follow the themes of Fire, Invasives, Sagebrush Restoration, Climate, and Grouse/Wildlife.  More information on the projects covered will be shared soon.

When: Thursdays from 8:00-10:30 PST/9:00-11:30 MST
Still upcoming is: Feb 29Recordings: Webinars will be recorded, but it will be some time before they will be available to a non-DOI audience.
How: Microsoft Teams meeting (no registration required)

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Meeting ID: 270 206 584 228Passcode: zdGDqX

FEB 29 Presentations:


NRCS logo

Outcomes of spatial targeting in sagebrush country via the Sage Grouse Initiative

Webinar recording.

The sagebrush biome is one of the largest habitat types in North America, spanning 175 million acres and home to sage grouse and 350 other species. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) launched the Sage Grouse Initiative in 2010 to deliver win-win voluntary conservation solutions that support ranchers and other landowners in improving the productivity of their working lands while benefiting sage grouse. The Initiative has successfully addressed key threats impacting sage grouse by focusing on population core areas. Science has helped strategically guide, refine, and inform these voluntary, private lands conservation efforts across 11 western states.

Satellites, Earth, Great Basin

Science-based guidelines for safe application of vegetation maps derived from satellite imagery

Webinar recording.

Cara Applestein, Samuel “Jake” Price, and Matt Germino, USGS, present their latest work on accuracy assessments of the newest mapped products for burned areas. They will give guidelines for reliable application, including stating what is “unsafe” application, what the scientific basis for the guidelines are, and examples of how they use the data. They will address RAP, RCMAP, and LandCart.

SageGrouse Conservation Partnership Logo

8th Annual SageCon Summit

Summit webpage.

The summit will be in Lakeview, OR on Sept. 26-27, 2023. There will be in-person and virtual options.


University of Idaho logo

University of Idaho Rangeland Fall Forum 2023

Forum webpage.

This year’s forum will be held in Boise, ID with a symposium on October 5 and a field tour on October 6.

Field tour/workshop icon

Nevada SRM Summer Meeting

Meeting webpage.

Brad Schultz and colleagues will guide us on a tour to several locations where they have located and re-taken photos that were originally taken decades earlier. Topics for discussion will include, but not be limited to, aspen dynamics (is it disappearing or expanding?), expansion/increase of mountain browse species, and responses of higher elevation/higher ppt. sagebrush plant  communities to fire! Please bring your own lunch and be prepared to eat on the go (in vehicles). Also be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, bug stuff, and whatever else you need to spend the day out on rangelands. We will plan to make two outhouse stops at a campground during the tour.

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