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Herbicides for cheatgrass: What works?

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This webinar covers existing products that are effective and how they are applied in different situations. It will also introduce new emerging herbicides. Richard D. Lee, Integrated Pest Management Specialist, BLM National Operations Center, presents.

This webinar was the second in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Grazing to maintain perennial grasses and reduce nonnative annuals

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This webinar discusses the benefits of altering timing of grazing to reduce annuals and maintain perennial bunchgrasses. It also discusses the detrimental impacts of repeated spring defoliation on perennials. Kirk Davies, Lead Rangeland Scientist with USDA ARS, presented.

This webinar was the third in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Capitalizing on strategic opportunities: Examples from the field

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Brian Mealor, Associate Professor and Director of the Sheridan Research and Extension Center, UW, discusses strategic opportunities where land managers can intervene to move the needle on cheatgrass. It describes the level of invasion and management strategies applicable to each. Then, Mike Pellant, Ecologist, Retired BLM, discusses post-fire opportunities, cheatgrass die-off areas, and the myths and realities of dormant season targeted grazing.

This webinar was the fourth in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Ecologically based invasive plant management: Lessons from the area-wide demonstration project

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This webinar discusses the process as well as take home messages from area-wide demonstration projects on cheatgrass reduction. Roger Sheley, USDA ARS, presented.

This webinar was the last in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Cheatgrass control methods and their impacts on perennial grasses: A systematic review spanning 64 years

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Reducing cheatgrass has been a primary research topic and goal of ecological restoration for over 50 years. Our work examined published studies between 1946 and 2012 to identify how a broad range of control methods influence cheatgrass and perennial grass abundance. Based on this assessment, we identify obstacles encountered in achieving desired restoration and clarify what research is needed to develop improved mechanistic control strategies. Jeremy Maestas, Ecologist, USDA-NRCS, and Tom Monaco, Ecologist, USDA-ARS and USU, present.

This webinar is the first in our 2018 Webinar Series: Moving the Needle on Cheatgrass: Putting What We Know into Practice.

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Managing cheatgrass by putting what we know into practice: Briefs for 2018 Webinar Series

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Conversion of native rangelands to cheatgrass, and subsequent impacts on wildfire regimes, are one of the most challenging threats to sagebrush ecosystems today. The widespread and complex nature of the problem and lack of clarity on effective management actions are often barriers to implementing meaningful treatments and practices to reduce risks. Although there is no silver bullet, combining cheatgrass reduction treatments with promotion or restoration of perennial vegetation in an integrated, adaptive management framework can move the needle toward maintenance and recovery of functioning ecosystems. This webinar series will provide information on integrated management approaches using specific strategies and proven tools.

Webinar briefs linked below:

Cheatgrass control methods and their impacts on perennial grasses: A systematic review spanning 64 years (Tom Monaco, ARS)

Herbicides for cheatgrass: What works? (Richard Lee, BLM)

Grazing to maintain perennial grasses and reduce nonnative annuals (Kirk Davies, ARS)

Capitalizing on strategic opportunities: Examples from the field (Brian Mealor, UW and Mike Pellant, BLM-retired)

Ecologically based invasive plant management: Lessons from the area-wide demonstration project (Roger Sheley, ARS)

Brought to you by the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange, in partnership with the USDA/NRCS, Sage Grouse Initiative, BLM, ARS, and FS.

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Populations of sage-grouse increase with conifer removal

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There are two key takeaways from the research: 1) conifer removal is an effective tool for increasing sage grouse populations, and 2) sage grouse populations may take several years to respond to management actions because they are long lived and have lower reproductive output compared to other game birds.

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Woodland management in sagebrush- The big picture

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Study findings include:

  • From 2011-2017, the extent of conifer cover in sagebrush country decreased by 1.6%. Human management efforts are responsible for 2/3 of the total reduction; the other 1/3 is due to wildfires.
  • Previous estimates suggest that conifer cover in sagebrush country is growing by 0.4%-1.5% annually, which means that our efforts are keeping pace with conifer encroachment but that more needs to be done.
  • Public/private partnerships are successfully reducing conifers in highly targeted priority watersheds, such as in northwest Utah.
  • The maps also show that woodlands are still expanding into many sagebrush landscapes. Continued partnership efforts are needed to strategically conserve priority shrublands.
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Sage-grouse require sagebrush steppe- An infographic

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Relationship between sagebrush habitat characteristics and sage-grouse use in a graphic summary.

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Pinyon-juniper expansion in the Great Basin- An infographic

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Reasons and consequences of pinyon-juniper expansion and treatment options are provided in a graphic summary.

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