Tools and Trainings
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The dataset provides an estimate of 2018 herbaceous annual percent cover predicted on May 1st with an emphasis on annual grasses. The pixel values range from 0 to 100 with an overall mean value of 8.32 and a standard deviation of +/-11.93. The model’s test mean error rate (n = 1670), based on nine different randomizations, equals 4.9% with a standard deviation of +/- 0.15. This dataset was generated by integrating ground-truth measurements of annual herbaceous percent cover with 250-m spatial resolution eMODIS NDVI satellite derived data and geophysical variables into regression-tree software. The geographic coverage includes the Great Basin, the Snake River Plain, the state of Wyoming, and contiguous areas.
Access application and maps.
The ERA Tool is a map-based, searchable application to select native plants for restoration and pollinator habitat enhancement by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Level III Ecoregions. Since ecoregions are areas of similar climate and topography that contain characteristic, geographically distinct assemblages of natural communities and species, they are an ideal organizing unit for selecting plants for restoration. State floras, on the other hand, have many species that only occur in some ecoregions and are not appropriate choices for restoration elsewhere.
Contact: Mark Skinner, USDA Forest Service, 503-312-1656, [email protected]
The ERA is part of a comprehensive national revegetation learning project called Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat. Learn more
Access the bibliography.
This interactive map and database highlights aspen research as it relates to regions in primarily North America.
This mobile-friendly, current, and interactive map combines data from the National Digital Forecast Database and RAWS surface weather observations.
Access map.
This interactive map identifies frequently threatened towns and cities, including the different sizes and distances of wildfires from nearby communities.
View interactive map.
A mobile-friendly, current, interactive fire risk map.
Access website.
Data, weather, and tools to provide timely and site-specific information about long-term patterns of weather and microsite variability for rangeland restoration planning and management.
Access the web app.
Map additions to the SGI Web App allow users to easily visualize songbird distribution, bolstering multi-species conservation across the American West.
Visit Interagency Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS) website.
IFTDSS is a web-based software and data integration framework that organizes previously existing and newly developed fire and fuels software applications to make fuels treatment planning and analysis more efficient and effective. You must create an account to begin using this tool.
The SRM Targeted Grazing website provides access to:
- Trainings and events
- Videos
- Grazing prescriptions
- other resources.