Fire Communication & Education

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ESRI Wildfire Public Information Map

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ESRI developed an interactive map of US wildfire locations, perimeters, fire potential areas, global burn areas, wind conditions, and precipitation via streaming data from NIFC, GeoMAC, NHSS, MODIS, METAR/TAF, and the USDA Forest Service, Fire Modeling Institute. See the real-time effects of the fires via social media posts.


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Managing forests and fire in changing climates

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This research brief from the California Fire Science Consortium discusses that detrimental  consequences  from  future fires  under changing climates could be reduced by recognizing diverse adaptions to fire in different forest types and by preparing forests and people for larger and more frequent fires.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Wildland fire fact sheet for the public and media

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This brief summarizes fire ecology and management issues in California mixed-conifer forests for an audience without a background in fire, including the general public and media.

Open book with a bar chart on left page and line graph and lines simulating text on the right page

Overcoming barriers to Firewise actions by residents

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This study was designed to improve the understanding of both individual and community actions that homeowners currently do or might take to protect their home or property, and the barriers that impede homeowners from completing firewise treatments to their home or property.

A closed bound booklet with binoculars

Guide to stakeholder groups for Great Basin sagebrush steppe restoration

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This guide provides information about stakeholder groups to assist managers as they deal with issues facing these systems. The guide was created for land managers to consult as they plan and carry out projects, particularly on public land where groups often have conflicting interests.

Open book with a bar chart on left page and line graph and lines simulating text on the right page

Research perspectives on the public and fire management: A synthesis of current social science on eight essential questions

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This synthesis reviewed existing scientific knowledge on the following questions:

  • What is the public’s understanding of fire’s role in the ecosystem?
  • Who are trusted sources of information about fire?
  • What are the public’s views of fuels reduction methods, and how do those views vary depending on citizens’ location in the wildland-urban interface or elsewhere?
  • What is the public’s understanding of smoke effects on human health, and what shapes the public’s tolerance for smoke?
  • What are homeowners’ views of their responsibilities for home and property protection and mitigation, e.g., defensible space measures?
  • What role does human health and safety play in the public’s perceptions of fire and fire management?
  • What are the public’s views on the role and importance of costs in wildfire incident response decisions?
  • To the extent that information is available, how do findings differ among ethnic and cultural groups, and across regions of the country?
Open book with a bar chart on left page and line graph and lines simulating text on the right page

Collaborating for healthy forests and communities: Building partnerships among diverse interests

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This report provides examples of working partnerships can be found in a wide-range of management settings. There is no single formula for building a partnership and partnerships per se are not a panacea; however, through extensive research, we have found a set of characteristics that are common to most partnership success stories. They are described in this guide to be used as a practical reference for agency personnel and citizens who seek to improve collaborative efforts in local communities.

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