Fuels & Fuel Treatments

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IFTDSS webinars recordings

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Developing Treatment Alternatives
Treatment comparison is one of the more complex parts of the IFTDSS app. There’s no doubt that comparing landscapes is tricky business. If you find yourself scratching your head or staring at the screen a lot, join us to help take some of the mystery out of landscape comparisons! Recorded 13 April 2018.

Modeling and Reports
The beauty of IFTDSS is that nearly everything is exportable as a report or summary. With a fairly large number of items on each report it’s easy to get lost. Join us to take some of the mystery out of IFTDSS reports and reporting. Recorded 30 March 2018.

Landscapes and Editing
Trying to figure out how to edit landscapes in IFTDSS or just interested in picking up some tips and tricks to do it better? This webinar is for those trying to learn how to edit landscapes in IFTDSS to better represent their area! Recorded 23 March 2018.

IFTDSS Map Studio Demonstration
In this webinar we demonstrate using Map Studio for finding an area of interest, adding landscapes and model runs, and working with shapes and shapefiles. Recorded 16 March 2018.

Navigating IFTDSS
This demonstration highlights the overall layout of IFTDSS. It includes the Planning Cycle, file storage in My Workspace, Map Studio interface, and Modeling Playground. Recorded 9 March 2018.

IFTDSS Demonstration and Discussion
This demonstration of IFTDSS, and the following discussion, was a presentation to the Fire Science Exchange Network on September 21, 2017.

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Fuel treatment effectiveness in the southern Blue Mountains of Oregon

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While fuel treatments in the dry conifer forests of the inland western U.S. are effective at reducing wildfire spread and severity at the stand-level, how effective are they at changing wildfire activity at the landscape scale? And will current management practices be sufficient as forests and climate change over the next century? Brooke Cassell presents the results of her recently-defended dissertation on the effects of fuel treatments in the southern Malheur National Forest and surrounding landscape. This study used a dynamic forest landscape model to compare alternative management strategies’ effects on wildfire activity under contemporary and extreme weather scenarios.

Single sheet of paper with bullet points

Physical and chemical characteristics of masticated fuels

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This report concerns a small facet of the JFSP-funded MASTIDON study in which summaries of the physical and chemical fuel properties of the sampled masticated fuelbeds were presented and the relationships of these properties to fuel age were explored. The scientist documented masticated fuelbed characteristics and correlated these characteristics to fuelbed age for ponderosa pine and mixed conifer stands of the US Rocky Mountains that were masticated using four techniques.

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Conservation paradox in the GB—Altering sagebrush landscapes with fuel breaks to reduce habitat loss from wildfire

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This report is intended to provide an initial assessment of both the potential effectiveness of fuel breaks and their ecological costs and benefits. To provide this assessment, the report examined prior studies on fuel breaks and other scientific evidence to address three crucial questions:

  1. How effective are fuel breaks in reducing or slowing the spread of wildfire in arid and semi-arid shrubland ecosystems?
  2. How do fuel breaks affect sagebrush plant communities?
  3. What are the effects of fuel breaks on the greater sage-grouse, other sagebrush obligates, and sagebrush-associated wildlife species?

It also provides an overview of recent federal policies and management directives aimed at protecting remaining sagebrush and greater sage-grouse habitat; describe the fuel conditions, fire behavior, and fire trends in the Great Basin; and suggest how scientific inquiry and management actions can improve our understanding of fuel breaks and their effects in sagebrush landscapes.

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Effect of fuels management, previous wildfire, and fire weather on Rim Fire severity

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Large wildfire incidence has increased in forests throughout the western U.S. following changes in vegetation structure and pattern, along with a changing climate. Given this increase there is great interest in whether fuels treatments and previous wildfire can alter fire severity patterns in large wildfires. The 255,000 acre 2013 Rim Fire created an opportunity to study fuels treatment effects across a large forested landscape in the Sierra Nevada. We assessed the relative influence of previous fuels treatments (including wildfire), fire weather, vegetation and water balance on Rim Fire severity. We did this at three different spatial scales to investigate whether the influences on fire severity changed across scales.

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World of Wildland Fire – A collection of educational videos

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The World of Wildland Fire vision is to provide and connect fire science educators, trainers, and the public with scientifically solid and peer-reviewed teaching tools and techniques, using state-of-the-art materials, which will be free and accessible to all. This is done to significantly enhance the learning experience.

Nevada Society for Range Management Suggested Reading – Winter 2018

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Abstracts of Recent Papers on Range Management in the West. Prepared by Charlie Clements, Rangeland Scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV.

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Long-term effects of burn season and frequency on ponderosa pine forests

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This study quantifies the effect of seasonal reburns on woody surface fuels, forest floor fuels, and understory tree regeneration abundance in six previously thinned ponderosa pine stands in the southern Blue Mountain Ecoregion of Oregon, USA. Each stand consisted of an unburned control, and four season by reburn treatments: spring 5 yr, spring 15 yr, fall 5 yr, and fall 15 yr. All reburn treatments reduced the forest floor depth compared to those areas not burned (controls). Fall burning, regardless of frequency, generated 1000 hr fuel primarily from overstory mortality resulting from the initial entry burns and subsequent snag and branch fall. But, for the other woody fuel types, reburning had minimal impact, regardless of season or frequency. All reburn treatments reduced regeneration survival, but 5 yr fall reburning was most effective in reducing excessive conifer seedlings. Repeated spring or fall reburns following thinning will reduce forest floor depth but, to achieve low woody fuel loads and control excessive conifer regeneration, it may be necessary to conduct reburns using different timing, such as during drier periods when wildfire ignitions by lightning occurred historically.

Open book with lines simulating text on left and right pages

Juniper removal helps bring sage-grouse back in WY

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Bureau of Land Management describes the challenge that its staff and a partnership of private landowners, state agencies, conservation groups and more took on when deciding to cooperatively manage a landscape for sage-grouse. What developed is the Bates Hole Juniper Treatment Project.

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Interagency Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS)

Visit Interagency Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS) website.

IFTDSS is a web-based software and data integration framework that organizes previously existing and newly developed fire and fuels software applications to make fuels treatment planning and analysis more efficient and effective.  You must create an account to begin using this tool.

New 2021, compare weather impacts on fire behavior with IFTDSS.

Read more about IFTDSS update 3.1.1

Read more about Landscape Burn Probability capabilities added to IFTDSS in July 2019

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